Thursday, October 31, 2019

Singapore Prosperity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Singapore Prosperity - Case Study Example Singapore has ultimately risen above all odds to become one of the world’s Economic power houses. It has been used as a bench mark of economic analysis across different parts of the world. However, of great importance is to focus on the several aspects that have contributed to this splendid success in almost all spheres of the Singaporean society. After forty years of economic reconstruction, Singapore has attracted the interests of not only economic analysts but also global investors that do not hesitate to invest in the island nation.Economic growth occurs at the predisposition of a conducive investment environment. The government definitely has a hand for the attainment of this conducive environment. This brings us to the analysis of the government structure and how its policies in one way or the other has contributed to Singapore’s spectacular economic growth. The people’s Action party has been greatly accredited of transparency, accountability and effective management not to forget sound policies that have been put in place to foster remarkable growth. Having only been ruled by just one party since independence, an aspect of stability has been initiated in the Singaporean political system which extremely puts great focus to economic growth rather than political destructions. It has developed policies that encourage domestic trade without much interference to the several foreign investors that have played a key role in its immense growth. Leadership transition has been peaceful playing a great role in stability making it a high affinity destination for investors. Singapore’s effective policies and able leadership was witnessed during the climax of the worst ever global recession that even shook economic giants such as the United States. The prime minister fostered bank lending of which the government also contributed without much interference to its GDP.Within no time after the introduction of this measures, Singapore bounced back to its economy fact living other economic titan states in the turmoil. Contrary to the common perspective that the private sector has got leverage over public enterprise, Singapore has stood the test of time to prove otherwise. It goes against the popular notion and treads its own economic course which baffles both its admirers and Critiques

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The importance of a Cardiovascular Diet among College Students Essay

The importance of a Cardiovascular Diet among College Students - Essay Example College students are growing up in a completely new environment outside of their parents’ home, which is a completely new experience for most of them. This means that they are making independent choices with respect to their food consumption. Today, most college students lack the right kind of education regarding what is good for one’s body and what is bad, primarily because parents have largely determined their diet in the home and public schools have largely determined their diet in school. For this reason, college students are more and more likely to adopt unhealthy practices as opposed to the healthy, cardiovascular diet options. Nevertheless, college students are perfectly capable of realizing the benefits, and necessity, of adopting a cardiovascular diet. A cardiovascular diet, as the name implies, is a diet that is friendly first to a person’s heart. Because the long-term health of the heart is the best determinant of how long a person lives, a diet that i mproves its general condition is important. Additionally, with the rise in rates of cardiovascular disease as the single most prevalent killer in the United States, people are realizing that protecting the heart even from an early age is imperative. An example of a cardiovascular diet is the so-called Mediterranean diet, which incorporates high olive oil consumption, legumes, unrefined cereals, vegetables, fruits, fish, and wine. In eating only these foods, individuals can cut out much of the saturated fat associated with cardiovascular disease. The beauty of the Mediterranean diet and similar cardiovascular diets is that they are practical. Certainly, it is not difficult to find the kinds of food choices considered acceptable under the guidelines of any cardiovascular diet. Of course, college students who consume a mostly-fatty diet put themselves the most at risk for cardiovascular disease. Students may have such a diet if access to food is limited, such as the case with most dorm itory cafeterias, or the fast food density in their area. Access to exercise also plays a large role in whether a high-fat diet is manifested in being asymptomatic for cardiovascular disease. However, students can have the most impact on their own health by starting on a foundation of good quality foods, which can be as simple as making more intelligent choices in the cafeteria or at the fast food restaurant: such as choosing a smaller portion, choosing a less-fatty food, or eating less often. By adopting these changes, college-aged people can reverse their unhealthy habits. Part of preventing unhealthy eating choices from creating long-term cardiovascular problems is to catch the problem early. For college-age students, the problem can start on the first day of one’s first year eating in the school cafeteria, which tends to offer mass-produced, cheap food that have a high fat content. Colleges and universities can both educate incoming first-year students about the importanc e of smart eating choices and the cardiovascular diet even before they begin eating there. In addition to this, colleges and universities can invest in practical ways to make the food choices in their cafeterias healthier for students. Instead of offering a high fat, high-sodium pizza, for instance, a cafeteria could make a thin-crust, low salt, cheese-free option, which represents the kind of Mediterranean diet that achieves long-lasting cardiovascular health. Young women, who

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Understanding Business Organisations

Understanding Business Organisations TASK 1 The government has an important role to play in providing easy, low-cost access to information. Numerous studies and reports call for a more coordinated access for businesses to information on markets, industries and regional economies. In this case, most SME’s want better information about the local and regional economy to help position their businesses and raise competitiveness. Therefore, there is an urgent need for these government funded organizations to play the role of considering a more formal mechanism to listen to the needs of businesses, improve access to information and ensure they provide partial electronic services to people and small businesses through Government portals. The stimulation of the SME’s by these funded organizations can reduce the level of unemployment and contribute to a more equal distribution of economic powers. The development of the SME’s is important for the social and economic development of the country, since they increase competitiveness and mobilize idle funds to productive aims. The business community (the SME’s) has unique information needs that need to be addressed with a specifically designed information system integrated in the National Treasury, Kenya Revenue Authority, Home Affairs State Department and Immigration Office. A multi-faceted approach to information provision is necessary because of the variation in needs, literacy and business prospects. Training needs of both the business managers of the SME’s and information specialists should be identified and recommended as part of the business information system design. TASK 2 UNIT: Understanding Business Organizations TITLE: Technology Advisory Group Task 3 Organization chart for T.A.G ORGANISATION STRUCTURE The structure adopted is functional organizational structure which will involve organizing the activities of the advisory group around areas of specialization. This approach involves a considerable amount of process standardization within the organization, with the real decision-making authority centered at the top of the organization. EFFICIENCY INTO OPERATION BY THE STRUCTURE the organization will achieve significant efficiencies in terms of process flow and management methods as the staff will be allowed to focus on one specific functional area to the exclusion of all else. It is ideal for the organization because it is easier to monitor and update the training of employees when they are focused on narrow functional areas. The organization will also use this approach to cultivate a group of extraordinary specialists who can strongly impact the functions of the company. KEY MANAGEMENT PROFILE Administration and Finance Their role is to provide a general oversight of the operations of the organization.The team will consist of a General Manager, Finance Manager with 1 administrator and ICT Manager with 1 administrator. This team will be responsible for effective planning, delegating, coordinating, staffing, organizing, and decision making to attain desirable profit making results for the organization (Sayles 1979). Marketing and PR   Their function is mainly to increase sales for the organization. Assigned here will be the Head of Marketing, two(2) executives inMarketingand two (2) executives in PR. As the teams begin to work together they need to come up withconcrete and up-to-date plans to maximize profits while creating long-term customers as well as adding value to the product and our services. IT Consultants  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ They play the role of advising businesses on how best to use information technology to meet their business objectives.Two(2) Senior Consultants will be in charge. In addition to delivering advice, four(4) Middle-Level Consultants and four (4) Junior Consultants will oversee the workshops that will look at the technologies that can be underpinned by Superfast Broadband. They will work hand in hand with five(5) IT Trainers, two(2) website administrators and two(2) graphicdesigners to manage, implement, deploy, and administer IT systems of the organization. TASK 5 BUSINESS PLAN FOR T.A.G The intentions of Technology Advisory Group is to offer clients with an all-inclusive assistance through free consultancy and specialist advice on business prospects offered by Superfast Broadband In the form of articles and blogs written by IT specialists.The three year goals for Technology Advisory Group are the following: Achieve break-even by Year 2. Establish along-term contract with the Central Government. Establish a minimum of95% customer satisfaction rate to establish long-term relationships with our clients and create word-of-mouth marketing. T.A.G has established a status for quality work and plans to continue to heighten its image in the trade. The organization endeavors to become a well-known benefactor of IT related guidance to SMB’s through the following: Increasing service backings by consolidating specialist workshops which will look at the technologies that can be fortified by Superfast Broadband, including Cloud Computing, collaboration and interactive websites. Increasing obtainability and accessibility to present and future customers through a range of pamphlets and case studies that give hands-on insights into the enactment of Superfast Broadband by small businesses Crafting innovative, unique, and cost-effective interpretations to hitches currently met by customers. Technology Advisory Group has established community calendaring and groupware applications for use by the organization. This will support in providing a modest, convenient tool for the organization and staff to consolidate, plan, track projects and workshops. T.A.G will leverage its profile-raising services to help offer secondary income streams as the organization will inaugurate induction of free email services, business directories, and other related services which will entice current and prospective customers to our offices and workshops. These will be used to generate advertising proceeds, as well as increase publicity of our range of services. To generate sales, T.A.G has incorporated the use of direct marketing which will focus on Trade Shows. T.A.G will partake in selected local and national shows that will provide an opportunity to develop exposure. This is a very effective tool in creating responsiveness and stimulating lead activity.And also Contact Campaigns as this initiative will encompass various methods of reaching potential customers to generate interest, followed by direct mail to the potential customer. The organization has a well-articulated human resources strategy which ensures that labor regulations are stringently followed and that all pamphlets relating to labor law are upheld hence confirms that the employees are exceedingly inspired to ensure that they are industrious. T.A.G has articulated human resources scheme that is in line with those that directly deal with intensifying through attainment. Strategies that should be put to ensure that the company achieves further growth Marketing strategy The organization has to put more exertion in having access to the global market. It should put more effort in advertising of its services to other parts of the ecosphere that it has not accessed the market. It should discover probable market such as other African republics. T.A.G should upturn the number of workshops and virtual assistance services and through this; the company will offer its customers with a choice of service to pick from. The organization should guarantee that its branding and packaging are of high standard and should change with customers change in taste and fashion. The company should contemplate using publicizing tools such as S.W.O.T analysis in guaranteeing that it retains its control of limited market and as a means to subsist in an atmosphere that has stiff competition. Information system strategy Technology Advisory Group should deliberate on using more than one software when executing a given assignment. The administration should concoct a way in which the systems are incorporated. This is to warrant that proficiency is upheld and the work done is precise and can also certify that fraud activities are curtailed. Human resources strategy The organization should also upturn the number of university fresh alumni who are undertaking management drills. This is decisive in that it will advance new skills and different concepts from these graduates and this will support the Technology Advisory Group in development. It is persons who make an organization to grow therefore, to ensure that T.A.G has a stout pool of human resources, it should contemplate efficient in training for employees to keep them informed on new skills so that the enterprise can keep pace with other major conglomerate corporations in relations to human resources. Competitive Edge The Technology Advisory Group should emphasis precisely on facilitating small and emergent businesses exploit their potential for accomplishment by distinguishing itself in the following means: Cost-effective personal interaction with IT consultant presence: T.A.G should target new expanses with local consultants, permitting it to personally cooperate with small businesses without needing to bring consultants to the region. A diverse network of consultants and alliance partners: By relying on a nationally circulated talent base harmonized to work together tenuously, the organization should be able to bring together an assortment of skills to encounter the needs of its clients. Positioning Statement The Technology Advisory Group delivers much needed skills and experience to small to medium business initiators to help their businesses embrace the Superfast Broadband. Our services are bespoke specifically to the distinctive needs of small to medium businesses and focuses on up-to-date citations of specialist suppliers of Superfast Broadband and allied services that can advance overall business performance. With a scarcity of available talent plus the usual budget pressure usually associated with small businesses, our services provide a cost-effective substitute to attaining faster communications inorder to advance the ways in which they do business. The Technology Advisory Group will position itself as the prominent marketing and management consulting firm focusing solely on small businesses. Projected Profit and Loss Key expenses will comprise the cost of payroll for the growing staff, marketing to endorse the Superfast Broadband in the community, and the organizations rent and devaluation. The organization will show a revenue in the first year which will continue to propagate. This is anticipated due to the high gross margins of marketing internet broadband to small and medium businesses Annual sales projection Annual sales projection Task 6 Formal communication Communication is the process through which one person conveys information to another person through applicable medium. These are the major communication systems implemented as these terms are used recurrently in organizations. Upward communication Is the process of information travels from lower to higher ranks in the hierarchy.Various mechanisms can be implemented by T.A.G to facilitate upward communication. Examples, Suggestion boxes, group meetings and participating in decision-making. This is maintained to get feedback to managers from employees. Downward communication Is the process of information flowing from superior to subordinate – from managers to operating staff.Itis related to the hierarchical structure of the organization as messages seem to get large as they travel downward through successive levels of the organization. Example, annual reports, notices and employee performance feedback. Horizontal communication Flow of messages across functional areas shared among people on the same hierarchical level of an organization. This form of communication facilitates for problem solving, task coordination between departments and project teams. How can intranets and groupware help improve communication? Intranets Organization information can be warehoused centrally and retrieved at any time due to superior internal communications. sharing of resources and best practice as virtual groups can be deliberated to expedite information sharing and collaborative working improved customer service better access to accurate and reliable information by your staff leads to heightened levels of customer service forms can be accessed and completed on the computer, then forwarded as appropriate for approval, without ever having to be printed out, and with the benefit of an audit trail Groupware It facilitates users to post ideas, questions or suggestions on given themes of discussion as it allows users to engage with other members of the group thus enhancing business alliances. It permits users to send messages to other members of the organization and outside of the organization. It ensures that users can retain online calendars viewed by other colleagues to assist with the arranging of meetings and project planning as users are able to identify when members are available or times when they are consumed with other tasks. Task 7 Managing virtual teams Virtual teams are defined as â€Å"affiliated individuals using computer-mediated telecommunications to share information electronically† (Kirkman, Rosen, Tesluk, Gibson, 2009, p. 54). Challenges posed by virtual teams in managing individual teams Physical Observation Limitations managers are physically limited to observe their employees’ performance and efforts, and how to implement effective methods for going about measuring productivity, building trust, and managing teams given their particular constraints (Kirkman, Rosen, Gibson,Tesluk, McPherson, 2002). This renders the manager unable to provide constructive performance feedback and harness the full potential of the team. As a result, monitoring and measuring performance remain problematic and sources of concern (Kurkland Bailey, 1999). Overemphasis on Output Evaluation Evaluation of virtual team performance is a challenge when managers directly focus on outcomes rather than process especially when those results prove difficult to measure and observe.Therefore, Managers cannot accuratelyascertain performance due to reduced capability toobserve and monitor the process. Employee Equity and Organizational Justice Issues Virtual team members may feel organizational injustice when compared to those who are present in the actual workplace. Professionally, employees fear that being â€Å"out of sight† infers being â€Å"out of mind† fororganizational rewards thus becomes a significant challenge whenevaluating members of virtual teams against those at the physical office (Kurkland Egan, 1999). Recommendation on how T.A.G will address this challenges Increasing Information Flow–the virtual team project manager should institute mutual knowledge among team members through team building activities and grant members access to evocative project documentation, which lists acronyms and other project specifics important for team members to understand (Davis Khazanchi, 2007). The â€Å"Balanced Scorecard† – the virtual team manager should create an all-inclusive balanced scorecard based on T.A.G’s priorities when evaluating performance. This may consist of the organization’s values in the fields of growth, profitability and customer satisfaction. This enables managers to have a far more transparent understanding of the effectiveness of their virtual team and create more standardized methods of evaluating future virtual team performance. References: Boddy, D. (2005). Management: An introduction. 3rd edition.England, Pearson education, Prentice Hall. Campbell, D Craig, T. (2005).Organizations and the business environment.2nd edition.Oxford, UK, Butterworth-Heinemann. Davis, A., Khazanchi, D. (2007). Does mutual knowledge affect virtual team performance? Theoretical analysis and anecdotal evidence. American Journal of Business, 22(2), 57-65. Kirkman, B.L., Rosen, B., Gibson, C.B., Tesluk, P.E., McPherson, S.O. (2002). Five challenges to virtual team success: lessons from sabre, Inc. Academy of Management Executive, 16(3), 67-69. Kurkland, N.B., Bailey, D.E. (1999). Telework: The advantages of working here, there anywhere,and anytime. Organizational Dynamics, 28(2), 53-68. Mullins, L.J. (2010). Management and Organizational behavior. 9th  Edition. England, prentice hall financial times.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Achilles Shield :: Free Essay Writer

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Achilles’ shield, made by Hephaestus, the god of fire, plays a part in the Iliad. It tells the story of the war between the Greeks and the Trojans. Hephaestus depicts the two cities and the activities going on in them, and Agamemnon’s, the Greek’s king, estate. Homer thought that seeing what it is on the shield could help the reader understand the importance of Achilles' shield and the Iliad. Hephaestus used fine metals and put lots of scenes of things going on not only in that time period but also in respect to the Iliad’s plot. Hephaestus went into great detail in the cities; especially what mood and what people were feeling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hephaestus used bronze, tin, gold, and silver to make the shield. The shield has five layers of metal. On the shield are scenes showing the heavens, earth, sea, two cities (a Greek one and Troy), Agamemnon’s estate, fields, a vineyard, a herd of cattle, and people dancing and being merry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The two cities on the shield represent a city in Greece and the city of Troy. One of the cities is filled with men dancing and singing, and brides in the streets. The other city has an army surrounding it. There is Turmoil around both of the city. In one two armies fight, Greeks and the Trojans, along the river banks killing many men. Both cities are tainted with death, but at the same time both have love in them. In one city, the Greek one, two men, possibly Achilles and a fellow comrade, fight over the consequence for the murder of a warrior and take their case to a judge, could be Zeus in the Iliad, to decide the punishment. In the other, children and wives stay and watch the house and each other as the men go to war. This scene is meant to parallel to the Trojans leaving to fight the Greeks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Agamemnon's estate is also depicted on Achilles' shield. Plentiful harvests of grain are shown along with Agamemnon standing silently among the barley. An ox is also shown being killed for a feast. The shield represents happiness and prosperity for Agamemnon which also foreshadows the Greek's victory over Troy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally, the shield showed a vineyard with many workers who pick the grapes. One is a young boy who loves to sing and play a lyre. A herd of cattle is also illustrated.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Roles Reversed in A Tale of Two Cities

â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities† by Charles Dicken's is a novel that is steep in great mystery. Dickens writes his characters not as solely good or bad. Each character is fleshed out as a real individual with faults. The doubling of the characters Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay is a central technique used by Dickens. In this case he not only pairs together opposites in values but makes them look exactly alike. Many people claim that Carton is the â€Å"bad† one who has a great transformation and Darnay is the good one.However, after examining the text of â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities† it is clear that Darney is full of contradictions and Carton who is morally stable. Carton is a regular drinker and makes no claim otherwise. He is often seen drinking in the text or talking about drinking with a friend. He recounts stories and misadventures from bars. The narrator explains that he is always out late, he has been seen coming home in the early morning hours and he works fo r Stryver. The reader see Carton has someone how has many bad habits that have been going on for years and years.Carton is also seen as not competitive or professional at all. Carton saves up all his energy and time to do the one task he has been destined to do – die a hero's death. He makes the decision to pretend like he is Darnay and take the death punishment for him. In comparison Darnay who is initially thought of as being the good guy is not what he seems to be. Darnay comes form a family who has a long history of being cruel to the French people. They have wrong people again and again for years. He wants to renounce his family name not out of good will but because it absolves him of any responsibility.He pretends to be someone else when he married Lucie and deceives her for his own gain. Darnay chooses not to stay in Paris and fight for the people his family has wrong. He goes away and hides in London where he is safe from harm. Even at the end of the novel when Darnay should be put to death, he hides from his responsibility. He lets Carton be killed instead of him. Darnay and Carton act as foils to each other in Dickens' â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†. While Darnay is seen as heroic and Carton is seen as the exact opposite- nothing can be further from the truth.Is Darnay that is ideal, irresponsible, and immature. Carton is created to be a stark contrast o Darnay. Carton grows into a man who in the end gives his life for the greater good of his family, friends, and society. This is something Darnay has never and will never be able to do. I agree with this criticism because I feel that they are many instances within the novel which support idea that Darnay and Carton are not who they originally seem to be. For example Darnay says â€Å"If it ever becomes mine, it shall be put into some hands better qualified to free it slowly [†¦] so that the miserable people who cannot leave it and who have been long wrung to the last point past endura nce, may, in another generation, suffer less† (130). Darnay really does not want his family name. He wants to hide from the past and make it disappear. That is why he chooses to be someone he is not. I believe that the text shows that Darnay is idle and continue to do the same things over and over again. â€Å"the events of this week annihilated the immature plans of last week, and the events of the week following made all new again [†¦] he had watched the times for a time of action, and that they had shifted and struggled until the time had gone by† (251). Unlike Carton who seems in the beginning to be idle and is â€Å"rumoured to be seen at broad day, going home stealthily to his lodgings, like a dissipated cat† (90). However, in the end it is Carton who dies for what he believes to be right and states â€Å"It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known. † (374) .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Root Of All Evil, Macbeth

G. R. Elliot once said, â€Å"wicked intention must in the end produce wicked action unless it is not merely revoked by the protagonist’s better feelings, but entirely eradicated by his inmost will, aided by Divine grace. † This statement can be directly applied to Macbeth’s descent into the darker recesses of human nature and what human weaknesses this classical tragic figure struggles with and finally succumbs to, causing his downfall. In William Shakespeare’s famous play, Macbeth is drawn to the murder of King Duncan, Banquo, and Fleance by his yearning for power. How could such a ourageous, gentle man such as Macbeth suddenly be transformed and drawn to do such evil? Surely he did not come up with such villainous thoughts of his own. His desire for control, authority, and jurisdiction was strengthened by evil sources, those from both the witches’ prophecies and his wife’s encouragement. In Macbeth it is very clear that evil begets evil. Shakespeare focuses on Macbeth’s courage early in the play. For example, Duncan and the sergeant both compliment Macbeth’s mental and physical bravery in Act I, Scene II. Macbeth â€Å"carv’d out his passage† until he and the enemy eneral were face to face. In the same act, the reader is told that Macbeth is brave because of his â€Å"disdaining Fortune. † In addition to his quality of courage, Macbeth is also a gentle man. Demonstrating his love and devotion for his wife, Macbeth refers to her as â€Å"his dearest partner of greatness† in Act I, Scene V. Lady Macbeth views his kindness as somewhat of a problem for their quest for power. She says that Macbeth is â€Å"too full o’ the milk of human kindness† to place them on the throne of Scotland as a result of murder. Macbeth realizes that Duncan is, n fact, a good and humble king, and other than to fulfill self-centered, uncontrolled ambitions, this is not reason to murder him. Macbeth is soon pressured into the murder of Duncan by both his wife and the three witches. The three witches are supernatural instruments of fate who predicted that Macbeth will become King of Scotland. In act I, scene III, the witches chant, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! / All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! / All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be King hereafter! When Macbeth hears this prophecy, many questions nstantly begin to run through his head. He begins to wonder, what are they talking about and how will I become king? Macbeth does not entirely trust the witches, for he does identify them with evil. The foretelling of the witches spark the plot of the murder. The spark becomes a flame when Lady Macbeth hears of the prophecy. Lady Macbeth is canny and masterful as she propels Macbeth to kill Duncan. She binds Macbeth’s attention to the throne of Scotland, but never to the severity of the crime. Lady Macbeth is clever when she constantly urges Macbeth to forget about his torments and the brutal death he has aused. Before the actual murder, Macbeth is shrouded with fear. Banquo can also see the fear in Macbeth, although he does not know about the plan of murder when he asks, â€Å"Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear/ Things that do sound so fair? † He ponders what would happen if he fails, and discusses this possibility with his wife. He struggles with fear in the presence of Lady Macbeth but she constantly reassures him that there is nothing to fear and that the murder will be for the better. This fear demonstrates that Macbeth does realize the difference between right and rong, good and evil, and the consequences, but the outcome, which is murder, proves he can be swayed in his beliefs and concerns. Macbeth was pressured to do a horrible deed which was driven by evil. The beginning of the evil was rooted in his wife and the witch’s but quickly spread into his mind and heart. Macbeth was soon contaminated by evil, although he realized what he had done was wrong. Macbeth says, â€Å"To know my deed, ’twere best not know myself,† meaning that committing such a vile act makes him uncomfortable. Evil drives Macbeth to later kill Banquo and Fleance for fear they know hat Macbeth was the murderer. One evil lead to another, for if he had not done evil by killing Duncan then he would not have done evil with the death of his best friend and his son. All the evil they committed to gain power, which was what they always wanted, led to great sorrow. They realized that the dead were much happier. While Macbeth and his wife were wracked with guilt and paranoia, Duncan was seen as the lucky in the eyes of Macbeth. He did not have any threats and was much safer than Macbeth who is feared losing his throne. Macbeth made these feelings clear when he said, â€Å"In restless ecstasy. Duncan is in his grace;/ After life’s fitful fever he sleeps well. / Treason has done his worst; nor steel, nor poison,/ Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing,/ Can touch him further. † Macbeth, soon killed by Macduff, now, too, can rest with worry. Lady Macbeth was also troubled by feelings of guilt. In her sleep she screams, â€Å"Out, damned spot! Out, I say! †¦/Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him. † Lady Macbeth is suffering from a dieses which she created from evil. Trouble and suffering have come into their lives in the place of power. Lady Macbeth ultimately kills herself, ending up in a state of peace without worries along with her husband. Macbeth is a basically good man who is troubled by his conscience and loyalty though at the same time is struggling with evils of ambition and murder. He is led to evil initially by the witches’ predictions and then by his wife’s goading, which he succumbs to because of his love for her. Lady Macbeth rids herself of any kindness that might stand in the way and fills that void with evil to achieve her ambitions. In both cases evil becomes controlling so much that both of there normal lives are ruined.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Witchcraft

Witchcraft, term for the principal means by which humans have been thought to work magic, that is, to bring about practical changes by their own will and employing supernatural means. Witchcraft needs to be distinguished from religion, in which humans are totally dependent upon divine beings to grant their wishes, and sorcery, in which supernatural skills are acquired by a process of study, usually involving books and apprenticeship to a master. Most human societies have believed in witchcraft, and indeed the modern Western societies are unusual in their refusal to do so. Traditionally, people have treated witchcraft in two very different ways. On the one hand they have resorted to specialists in it for their benefit: to be freed from suffering, to injure enemies, or to obtain what they desire. On the other, they have blamed it for their own misfortunes, and set out to identify and punish the witch responsible for using the power against them. Most societies, also, have had a well-developed idea of what a witch should be like; They are most often thought of as ugly old women, though references to beautiful young female witches exist. In Europe witches are portrayed as thin and gaunt, much like the Wicked Witch of the West as she appears in the Oz story with her black robe and conical hat. In Central Africa witches are thought of as fat from eating human flesh. In Europe they fly around on broomsticks, a popular Halloween depiction. In Central Africa they travel in saucer-shaped baskets. They often employ animals as assistants in their evil deeds. The witch of Oz had flying monkeys. In Europe they use cats, dogs, or weasels; in Japan, hyenas or owls; in Africa, baboons. Some witches even turn into animal forms. Witches are believed to use supernatural powers, in the form of magic, for evil purposes. Witches are usually regarded as possessed of evil spirits or under the guidance of some undetermined compulsion. . Many have believed in... Free Essays on Witchcraft Free Essays on Witchcraft Witchcraft, term for the principal means by which humans have been thought to work magic, that is, to bring about practical changes by their own will and employing supernatural means. Witchcraft needs to be distinguished from religion, in which humans are totally dependent upon divine beings to grant their wishes, and sorcery, in which supernatural skills are acquired by a process of study, usually involving books and apprenticeship to a master. Most human societies have believed in witchcraft, and indeed the modern Western societies are unusual in their refusal to do so. Traditionally, people have treated witchcraft in two very different ways. On the one hand they have resorted to specialists in it for their benefit: to be freed from suffering, to injure enemies, or to obtain what they desire. On the other, they have blamed it for their own misfortunes, and set out to identify and punish the witch responsible for using the power against them. Most societies, also, have had a well-developed idea of what a witch should be like; They are most often thought of as ugly old women, though references to beautiful young female witches exist. In Europe witches are portrayed as thin and gaunt, much like the Wicked Witch of the West as she appears in the Oz story with her black robe and conical hat. In Central Africa witches are thought of as fat from eating human flesh. In Europe they fly around on broomsticks, a popular Halloween depiction. In Central Africa they travel in saucer-shaped baskets. They often employ animals as assistants in their evil deeds. The witch of Oz had flying monkeys. In Europe they use cats, dogs, or weasels; in Japan, hyenas or owls; in Africa, baboons. Some witches even turn into animal forms. Witches are believed to use supernatural powers, in the form of magic, for evil purposes. Witches are usually regarded as possessed of evil spirits or under the guidance of some undetermined compulsion. . Many have believed in... Free Essays on Witchcraft I am a witch, now please kill me! Many innocent women happily welcomed death by confessing to witchcraft in order to end their excruciating torture during the witch hunt craze between 1450 and 1750. Since many records were lost, destroyed or never kept, the best estimation of the total deaths is several million (4). The main cause of the witch hunts was the Church inflicting fear upon the common and educated man by lying to them about what witches do and who they are. The Church also directly and indirectly increased the pain that accused women would go through during their torture. The Church made it clear, to all those who would listen, that all women were evil and capable of witchcraft. â€Å"The Bible’s Apocrypha states, ‘Of woman came the beginning of sin / And thanks to her, we all must die.’(Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 25:13-26.)† (2). Vicious comments like this caused even women themselves to fear what other women may do. This fear only lead to the di strust of woman. A book written by two German men, titled Malleus Maleficarum, â€Å"The Hammer of Witches†, only furthered peoples fear of women’s evil. It states that women are more likely to become witches: â€Å"‘Because the female sex is more concerned with things of the flesh then men; because being formed from a man’s rib, they are only ‘imperfect animals’ and ‘crooked’ where as man belongs to a privileged sex from whose midst Christ emerged.’(Malleus Maleficarum, 1486)†(2). The men that wrote Malleus Maleficarum refer to the bible for reasons to why they consider women evil, so if the Church had never incorporated such things into the bible such things may have never been thought. Many ancient myths portrayed goddess’s as evil. Consequently those images of evil were kept and later attached to witches who kept goddess worship alive centuries later (4). Even devotion to the Virgin Mary (who is the biolog ical mother of Jesus) was considered an indication of e...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Moment Generating Function for Binomial Distribution

Moment Generating Function for Binomial Distribution The mean and the variance of a random variable X with a binomial probability distribution can be difficult to calculate directly. Although it can be clear what needs to be done in using the definition of the expected value of X and X2, the actual execution of these steps is a tricky juggling of algebra and summations. An alternate way to determine the mean and variance of a binomial distribution is to use the moment generating function for X. Binomial Random Variable Start with the random variable X and describe the probability distribution more specifically. Perform n independent Bernoulli trials, each of which has probability of success p and probability of failure 1 - p. Thus the probability mass function is f (x) C(n , x)px(1 – p)n - x Here the term C(n , x) denotes the number of combinations of n elements taken x at a time, and x can take the values 0, 1, 2, 3, . . ., n. Moment Generating Function Use this probability mass function to obtain the moment generating function of X: M(t) ÃŽ £x 0n etxC(n,x))px(1 – p)n - x. It becomes clear that you can combine the terms with exponent of x: M(t) ÃŽ £x 0n (pet)xC(n,x))(1 – p)n - x. Furthermore, by use of the binomial formula, the above expression is simply: M(t) [(1 – p) pet]n. Calculation of the Mean In order to find the mean and variance, youll need to know both M’(0) and M’’(0). Begin by calculating your derivatives, and then evaluate each of them at t 0. You will see that the first derivative of the moment generating function is: M’(t) n(pet)[(1 – p) pet]n - 1. From this, you can calculate the mean of the probability distribution. M(0) n(pe0)[(1 – p) pe0]n - 1 np. This matches the expression that we obtained directly from the definition of the mean. Calculation of the Variance The calculation of the variance is performed in a similar manner. First, differentiate the moment generating function again, and then we evaluate this derivative at t 0. Here youll see that M’’(t) n(n - 1)(pet)2[(1 – p) pet]n - 2 n(pet)[(1 – p) pet]n - 1. To calculate the variance of this random variable you need to find M’’(t). Here you have M’’(0) n(n - 1)p2 np. The variance ÏÆ'2 of your distribution is ÏÆ'2 M’’(0) – [M’(0)]2 n(n - 1)p2 np - (np)2 np(1 - p). Although this method is somewhat involved, it is not as complicated as calculating the mean and variance directly from the probability mass function.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

History of Ecuadors San Francisco De Quito

History of Ecuador's San Francisco De Quito The city of San Francisco de Quito (generally simply called Quito) is the capital of Ecuador and the second-largest city in the nation after Guayaquil. It is centrally located on a plateau high in the Andes Mountains. The city has a long and interesting history dating from pre-Colombian times to the present. Pre-Colombian Quito Quito occupies a temperate, fertile plateau high (9,300 feet/2,800 meters above sea level) in the Andes Mountains. It has a good climate and has been occupied by people for a long time. The first settlers were the Quitu people: they were eventually subjugated by the Caras culture. Sometime in the fifteenth century, the city and region were conquered by the mighty Inca Empire, based out of Cuzco to the south. Quito prospered under the Inca and soon became the second most important city in the Empire. The Inca Civil War Quito was plunged into civil war sometime around 1526. Inca ruler Huayna Capac died (possibly of smallpox) and two of his many sons, Atahualpa and Huscar, began to fight over his empire. Atahualpa had the support of Quito, whereas Huscars power base was in Cuzco. More importantly for Atahualpa, he had the support of three powerful Inca generals: Quisquis, Chalcuchima, and Rumià ±ahui. Atahualpa prevailed in 1532 after his forces routed Huscars at the gates of Cuzco. Huscar was captured and would later be executed on Atahualpas orders. The Conquest of Quito In 1532 Spanish conquistadors under Francisco Pizarro arrived and took Atahualpa captive. Atahualpa was executed in 1533, which turned as-yet unconquered Quito against the Spanish invaders, as Atahualpa was still much beloved there. Two different expeditions of conquest converged on Quito in 1534, led by Pedro de Alvarado and Sebastin de Benalczar respectively. The people of Quito were tough warriors and fought the Spanish every step of the way, most notably at the Battle of Teocajas. Benalczar arrived first only to find that Quito had been razed by general Rumià ±ahui to spite the Spanish. Benalczar was one of 204 Spaniards to formally establish Quito as a Spanish city on December 6, 1534, a date which is still celebrated in Quito. Quito During the Colonial Era Quito prospered during the colonial era. Several religious orders including the Franciscans, Jesuits, and Augustinians arrived and built elaborate churches and convents. The city became a center for Spanish colonial administration. In 1563 it became a Real Audiencia under the supervision of the Spanish Viceroy in Lima: this meant that there were judges in Quito who could rule on legal proceedings. Later, administration of Quito would pass to the Viceroyalty of New Granada in present-day Colombia. The Quito School of Art During the Colonial era, Quito became know for the high-quality religious art produced by the artists who lived there. Under the tutelage of Franciscan Jodoco Ricke, the Quitan students began producing high-quality works of art and sculpture in the 1550’s: the â€Å"Quito School of Art† would eventually acquire very specific and unique characteristics. Quito art is characterized by syncretism: that is, a mixture of Christian and native themes. Some paintings feature Christian figures in Andean scenery or following local traditions: a famous painting in Quito’s cathedral features Jesus and his disciples eating guinea pig (a traditional Andean food) at the last supper. The August 10 Movement In 1808, Napoleon invaded Spain, captured the King and put his own brother on the throne. Spain was thrown into turmoil: a competing Spanish government was set up and the country was at war with itself. Upon hearing the news, a group of concerned citizens in Quito staged a rebellion on August 10, 1809: they took control of the city and informed the Spanish colonial officials that they would rule Quito independently until such a time as the King of Spain were restored. The Viceroy in Peru responded by sending an army to quash the rebellion: the August 10 conspirators were thrown in a dungeon. On August 2, 1810, the people of Quito tried to break them out: the Spanish repelled the attack and massacred the conspirators in custody. This gruesome episode would help keep Quito mostly on the sidelines of the struggle for independence in northern South America. Quito was finally liberated from the Spanish on May 24, 1822, at the Battle of Pichincha: among the heroes of the battle were Field Marshal Antonio Josà © de Sucre and local heroine Manuela Senz. The Republican Era After independence, Ecuador was at first part of the Republic of Gran Colombia: the republic fell apart in 1830 and Ecuador became an independent nation under first President Juan Josà © Flores. Quito continued to flourish, although it remained a relatively small, sleepy provincial town. The greatest conflicts of the time were between liberals and conservatives. In a nutshell, conservatives preferred a strong central government, limited voting rights (only wealthy men of European descent) and a strong connection between church and state. Liberals were just the opposite: they preferred stronger regional governments, universal (or at least expanded) suffrage and no connection whatsoever between church and state. This conflict often turned bloody: conservative president Gabriel Garcà ­a Moreno (1875) and liberal ex-president Eloy Alfaro (1912) were both assassinated in Quito. The Modern Era of Quito Quito has continued to slowly grow and has evolved from a tranquil provincial capital to a modern metropolis. It has experienced occasional unrest, such as during the turbulent presidencies of Josà © Marà ­a Velasco Ibarra (five administrations between 1934 and 1972). In recent years, the people of Quito have occasionally taken to the streets to successfully oust unpopular presidents such as Abdal Bucaram (1997) Jamil Mahuad (2000) and Là ºcio Gutià ©rrez (2005). These protests were peaceful for the most part and Quito, unlike many other Latin American cities, has not seen violent civil unrest in some time. Quito’s Historic Center Perhaps because it spent so many centuries as a quiet provincial town, Quitos old colonial center is particularly well-preserved. It was one of UNESCOS first World Heritage sites in 1978. Colonial churches stand side-by-side with elegant Republican homes on airy squares. Quito has invested a great deal recently in restoring what locals call el centro historico and the results are impressive. Elegant theatres such as the Teatro Sucre and Teatro Mà ©xico are open and show concerts, plays and even the occasional opera. A special squad of tourism police is detailed to the old town and tours of old Quito are becoming very popular. Restaurants and hotels are flourishing in the historic city center. Sources: Hemming, John. The Conquest of the Inca London: Pan Books, 2004 (original 1970). Various Authors. Historia del Ecuador. Barcelona: Lexus Editores, S.A. 2010

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reflective Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reflective Assignment - Essay Example Reid (1993) posits to the effect that a reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice. Having undertaken the Glo-bus business simulation in a team from early October 2012 up to the end of January 2013, the aim of this report is to carry a reflective analysis of the experience I gained from working in this team. This simulation game was supposed to put us in a realistic and competitive market setting as well as to try to manage the company’s operations. The decisions made were supposed to be evaluated against the decisions made by other competitors comprised of other class members. In order to win the simulation, teamwork is a virtue. From the Glo-bus business simulation, I can safely say that we attained something positive though we also encountered negative aspects in our team. Therefore, I would like to start by reflecting on the things we have done well and I will also reflect on the areas that were badly done. The main part of the paper will focus on the theoretical framework of the concept of teamwork as well as to reflect the measures that can be taken to improve the success of teams in organizations. Summary of the simulation game My team was comprised of Anyta Burton, Vira Yurcheto, Muntazer Mohammad, Agil Mohastov and myself. In this team, we were supposed to log on to Glo-bus and familiarise ourselves with the system. We were also supposed to work on the weaknesses identified as a team in order to improve the performance of Glo-bus. We were also supposed to have periodic group meetings that were designed to reflect on the progress made as well as to highlight the areas that needed some sort of improvement. The major strength in our team is that our communication system was clear and open and there was mutual understanding among all members. The team leader played an active role in coordinating as well as controlling all communication processes in the group. All decisions made in the group were reached through consensus and consultations among all members of the team were held prior to the implementation of the decision agreed. We realised that this strategy was very effective in dealing with aspects related to conflicts among the members of the team. The other strength is that we managed to influence all the members of the group to have a positive sense towards the simulation process that we carried out. Indeed, we encountered some challenges in carrying out this exercise but to a certain extent, it can be noted that the combined efforts of the group members played a significant role in carrying out the simulation exercise. The main weakness we encountered in our team is that some of the members were not very confident in what they were doing. This certainly impacted the overall performance of the team. We identified seven weaknesses that were supposed to be dealt with. Only two of them were solved while the remaining five requi red solutions from us as a team. The problem here is that team members like Agile lacked confidence in themselves and they did not effectively play their role. For instance, Mo was backing Agile Mohastov after realising that he was slack in his performance. We also had little confidence in him that he would perform to a high level of performance and requirement. This certainly i

Friday, October 18, 2019

Roles Played by Financial Institutions in an Economy Essay

Roles Played by Financial Institutions in an Economy - Essay Example Financial Institutions play a very important role in the economy by the provision of various financial instruments (Frank, 2003). Different types of Financial Institutions provide different services to its members or clients. For example, Banks provide such services as mortgages, loans, and credit cards while on the other hand a financial institution such as Insurance Firms provide services such as insurance services, securities and buying and selling services of real estate. These financial institutions, however, interconnect with one another to provide different roles in the economy. Some of the major roles of Financial Institutions are discussed in this essay as follows. The first major role of financial institutions in the economy is that the financial institutions motivate the financial sector of the economy. Financial institutions such as banks in most cases will use the resources that they own to benefit themselves (Sera, 2005). They will use these resources to make profits for themselves and for their own growth. This is however helpful to the economy of a country as there will be an increase in the business of investing when these financial institutions grow. This because there will be a boost in the financial instruments such as an increase in the number of loans that a bank can give to an individual or to other companies. With the growth of these financial institutions, the financial sector of the economy becomes motivated and the economy of the country is strengthened. The second role of the financial institutions in the economy is that the financial institutions will introduce and develop Niche strategies.  

Methods of Raise Capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Methods of Raise Capital - Essay Example Bonds are the best way to raise capital of large companies. Roughly about 25% of the capital comes through bonds. Companies get benefit greatly from the issuance of bonds because investors pay a lower interest rate than the rates of other types of borrowing. Also, because the interest paid on bonds is exempted from business taxes. Therefore, companies must make interest payments even if profits do not appear. If there is doubt from investors that the company does not have the capability to meet the obligations of interest, or it could refuse to buy bonds or that the demand for interest rate will be higher to compensate them for their increased risk. (U.S.Department, 2009). One of the most common methods of raising capital is through bonds , where we define bonds are loans made to governments and institutions by investors as the investor get a specific interest rate because he invests his money in good investment idea. In return, the borrower gets the money it needed, also the investo r gets the original amount invested (the principal amount or value of the bond issue) and can issue bonds for a long period of up to 20 and 30 years. Bonds are classified according to their quality bonds or prospects for reimbursement. Bonds do not usually find the same attention, such as equity from investors and the media. Since the bonds offer many advantages better than stock. In addition, safety of bonds is over stocks and more confident. (Mohammed, 2005). There are many companies planning to raise their capital. For example, Lloyds Bank announced that it will raise the bank's capital to 7.5 billion pounds, through the exchange of bonds. (Glover, 2009). The bond market can be divided into three parts: Domestic bonds: Shall be handled through the local currency and it is issued by domestic borrowers. Foreign bonds: Shall be handled by the local currency and is also trading in the domestic market but issued from foreign borrower and always common on the comprehensive follow-up of power. Eurobonds: Eurobonds is underwriting by multinational banks and these bonds are not taken by the trading in all markets and specific national or local markets, these bonds are currently has role in the production of some of the major currencies and some small currencies. There are many types of bonds are offered in the market. These bonds can be dividing it as follows: Straight bonds: Can be called fixed-income securities as they have a fixed price and are paid on time. Bonds paid in part: These bonds the same straight bonds, but there is a difference that the investor must pay a certain portion of the capital from 0 to 33 on the closing date and paid the remaining of the capital after 6 months. Zero-coupon bond: These bonds also the same straight bonds, but the difference is that it does not have a fixed time for the payment of benefits, but there is a problem in high-value discounts and must pay the original amou

Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Health Promotion - Essay Example It has been used throughout the time to increase awareness among the community to determine their own needs and respond them accordingly. Community mobilization provides a wider platform for the health issues, where individuals understanding can be improved regarding health care methods and services that the community is able to attain through service utilization. However, barriers to services should be determined, with respect to the need to the community to increase its utilization. Community mobilization has developed a linkage between communities and health care institutions by spreading awareness and increasing the access, and equality in the health care sector. Formicola and Cordero (2013) in his study explains community mobilization as a process of development process in which individual or group get involved in activities, plans through in order to attain health, it can either be attained through individuals assistance or self motivation (Formicola & Cordero 2013). In the contemporary times, community capacity building in health promotion is perceived as a better approach to solve public health problems. In the last two decades, Australia health care institutions and government have focused to implement community mobilization for health promotion to address public health issues. The implementation of community based programs has resulted in positive health outcomes due to which the development of health promotion through community programs are gaining attention of several health care professionals. However, there are still a number of public health challenges that remain unsolved which have to be adequately addressed. Here the discussion is made regarding the success achieved by different community based programs that have improved health issues in Australia and New Zealand. Furthermore, the paper shall also determine the potential strength of Australia to address public health problems. Community

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Unit 5 Case Study Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 Assignment 1 - Case Study Example The company only needs 100Mbps network cards and Category 5 twisted-pair cables. The Fast Ethernet hardware requirements are also available at low prices, which is great very crucial in lowering the installation costs that the company has to incur. Furthermore, the fast Ethernet protocol provides a strong error detection and correction platform. For Wide Area Network (WAN) communications with Windows XP Professional and Red Hat Enterprise Linux workstations, then, the protocol that should be used is, Point-to-Point (PPP) (Benvenuto and Zorzi, 2011). The Point-to-Point offers a wide number of advantages such as a high quality authentication platform using either Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or more efficiently by the Challenge Handshake Protocol (CHAP). This is a very important characteristic in ensuring delivery of high network security at the company. Secondly, through magic number configuration, PPP can play a huge role in detecting errors over the WAN. Lastly but certainly not the least, PPP aids in compressing data as it travels over the network and decompressing it at the required destination. This characteristic is very crucial as it aids in increasing effective throughput over the Wide Area Network (Benvenuto and Zorzi,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The recent advancements made in petroleum microbiology Term Paper

The recent advancements made in petroleum microbiology - Term Paper Example Petroleum, in the twenty – first century, remains to be one of the most significant sources of fuel and energy. It is a complex blend or mixture of different types of hydrocarbons and organic compounds. It may sometimes also contain traces of transition metal complexes (called organometallo) like nickel and vanadium (Lerner, 2011). The compositions of petroleum, and thus its physical and chemical properties, vary from place to place, and from area to area. In the current scenario, the demand for petroleum and its by – products continues to rise. In an answer to them, science has come up with the use of microbiology during the extraction and purification of petroleum. The study of this use and application of microorganisms in the fuel industry is called petroleum microbiology (Encyclopedia, 2005). The most important experimental works in the field of petroleum microbiology have been done by Claude ZoBell (Lerner, 2011). His research, which extended for over 40 years (193 0 – 1970), has proved that microorganisms, especially bacteria, play an important role in most of the vital processes related to petroleum, which include its formation, extraction and refining. The hydrocarbons and petroleum products have been termed as ‘substrates’ or ‘nutrients’ for microbes, which they need in order to carry out efficient metabolism. This feeding of bacteria and fungi is aided by the action of certain enzymes and is called, biodegradation (Hamme, 2003). Most of the hydrocarbons are broken down to release carbon dioxide, water, proteins and nucleic acids. The carbon dioxide escapes to the atmosphere while the rest of the products are used for cellular growth. Bacteria and fungi involved in biodegradation are highly specific in function, that is, not all bacteria can break down a specific hydrocarbon or organic compound. Pseudomonas and mycobacterium are examples of some degrading bacteria while examples of fungi include Candida (Va n Hamme, 2003). With the advancement of biotechnology and microbiology, scientists have widened their understanding and developed better concepts of the metabolic processes related to microbial actions on petroleum (Van Hamme, 2003). The effects of the use of the hydrocarbons as substrates by the microorganisms involve alteration of cell surface membranes and mechanisms of both uptake and discharge. Similarly, the ability to study the behaviour of microbial organisms, in a petroleum rich environment at a molecular level has also been enhanced. Under the optimum conditions for the growth of these organisms, they have been treated with hydrocarbons, and transformed to take part in highly accelerated and bioreactor-based petroleum waste degradation processes, that are now being implemented (Atlas, 1995) (Van Hamme, 2003). In the modern world, petroleum microbiology is an important part of bioremediation which involves controlling oil pollution (Bronson, 1993). Bioremediation is the use of microorganisms to get rid of pollutants and harmful substances from the environment. Oil pollution is the result of seeping and spillage of oil from tankers into the sea, as well as intentional or deliberate discharge of oil products into the water sources. The huge spill of crude oil from a tanker near Alaska’s coast back in the 1980s practically showed the scientific world of the usefulness of biodegradation (Bronson, 1993). Scientists observed the actions of the microorganisms present in breaking down the oil and thus, getting rid of it, both on and offshore. Experimental evidences also showed that the microbial actions are affected by factors like temperature and pH. This led to the establishment of a rapidly growing industry which makes uses of microbial remedies to counter water pollution. Modern researches have also proved that waste products produced by one microorganism during biodegradation can be used as a source of food by the others

Unit 5 Case Study Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 Assignment 1 - Case Study Example The company only needs 100Mbps network cards and Category 5 twisted-pair cables. The Fast Ethernet hardware requirements are also available at low prices, which is great very crucial in lowering the installation costs that the company has to incur. Furthermore, the fast Ethernet protocol provides a strong error detection and correction platform. For Wide Area Network (WAN) communications with Windows XP Professional and Red Hat Enterprise Linux workstations, then, the protocol that should be used is, Point-to-Point (PPP) (Benvenuto and Zorzi, 2011). The Point-to-Point offers a wide number of advantages such as a high quality authentication platform using either Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or more efficiently by the Challenge Handshake Protocol (CHAP). This is a very important characteristic in ensuring delivery of high network security at the company. Secondly, through magic number configuration, PPP can play a huge role in detecting errors over the WAN. Lastly but certainly not the least, PPP aids in compressing data as it travels over the network and decompressing it at the required destination. This characteristic is very crucial as it aids in increasing effective throughput over the Wide Area Network (Benvenuto and Zorzi,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Both Spirited Away and Pan(TM)s Labyrinth Essay Example for Free

Both Spirited Away and Pan(TM)s Labyrinth Essay Both Spirited Away and Pans Labyrinth represent the traditional family unit as an important part of a childs life. How do the two films convey these messages to the audience? Hayao Miyazakis Spirited Away (2001, Japan) and Guillermo Del Toros Pans Labyrinth (2006, Spain) are both feature length films which delve into the journey of a young female character experiencing their own personal journeys to achieve different goals. This is achieved by the aid of supporting characters who take on the roles of those in a traditional family. This may include a mother, father, siblings and others. The traditional family unit in Spirited Away is absolutely essential to the development of the piece. Chihiro, the main protagonist, throughout the film is on a journey to maturity. At the start, she is represented as a very naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and insignificant person. For example, towards the start of the film we see a low-angle shot from behind Chihiro, looking up at the bathhouse. Just this camera shot already suggests to the audience that the director is portraying her in a stereotypically childlike light; she is wandering into the unknown with a complete lack of self-awareness. In contrast, towards the end of the film, we see Chihiro reach a new level of maturity. If we look at how she reacts to her parents driving her away from her home, friends, and everything that she had become accustomed to; she complains about it, and generally acts childish in her actions, for example when we see her father point out her new school, at which point she sneers and pokes her tongue out at it t hrough the car window. We can compare this directly to when Chihiro journeys, by train, to return a gold seal to Zeniba. The decision to go was completely self-motivated, brought about solely by her own feelings of responsibility. This in itself conveys messages of maturity. Although we have almost exactly the same situation as at the start of the film in the car (she is travelling to an alien destination), this time she has an awareness of where she is going, and has chosen to take the journey herself. This path of maturity becomes an imperative aspect to acknowledge when looking at the supporting characters and their significance. During the film, her parents are taken away from Chihiro, and she is left alone. However, this triggers a traditional family unit to form around her. From my observations, these surrogate family members include Lin, taking on the big sister role, Yubaba, taking the role of a grandmother and Kamaji assuming the father/grandfather/uncle figure. The character of Haku whose relationship with Chihiro is possibly one of the most significant, is also the most debatable and perhaps the hardest to define as part of a family unit. Looking at the character of Lin, her influence on Chihiros development is more than apparent. From the moment that Chihiro becomes employed in the bathhouse, her contact with Lin is very much of a sisterly nature; they share the same daily routine, eat together, sleep together,live together. Being the younger of the two, she would naturally default to mimicking her in everything she does, exactly as a stereotypical older/younger sister relationship would operate, especially concerning their work in the bathhouse. We see this when Chihiro notices how Lin uses the bath tags in a certain manor to receive water from the boiler, and then later when she takes on the task of cleaning the stink spirit, she remembers this and makes use of it several times in order to finish the job at hand. This shows advancement in Chihiros independence and ability to adapt to the situation given in the workplace, and these skills are learned directly from Lin. Again, this is undeniable evidence suggesting t he importance of a sister figures contribution to the traditional family unit. In the absence of her real mother, Yubaba as the only mature female character in the piece, becomes the obvious choice of surrogate mother/grandmother for Chihiro. The first introduction of Yubaba as a mother/grandmother figure is her naming/re-naming of Chihiro to Sen, like a mother christening her child. The importance of this act is that giving Chihiro a new name in this workplace, which only an adult experiences, is a disciplinary act, giving her a completely different identity, almost forcing Chihiro to become someone else. As in every traditional family, if children are spoilt, they never mature, but if they are disciplined along the way by their mother, they learn respect, appreciation and other such skills. This is another vital step for Chihiro to take on her path to growing up, induced entirely by Yubaba. However we also have the part of Zeniba, who takes on a similar role to Yubaba but in a more affectionate and understanding way. In a stereotypical parental unit there wil l always be the affectionate side and the disciplinary side in order to ensure a childs good upbringing. Kamajii, the boiler man, is conveyed to us as the audience in such a way that we immediately recognise him as very experienced, kindly and possibly wise. Although he is a rather removed character in the film, only appearing infrequently, he is only ever welcoming in nature, helping Chihiro at any obstacle that should arise, but at the same time diligently carrying out his work. We see this when he is grinding all sorts of different herbs and spices on his pedestal, but voluntarily he pretends that Chihiro is his granddaughter and requests that Lin takes her to see Yubaba for work. All of these are the traits of a father, however, due to his absence in the film as a whole, he is more like a grandfather, and actually refers to Chihiro as his granddaughter near the beginning of the film. We see this when Chihiro is desperately trying to find a way to get to Zenibas place, and Kamajii offers her his only train ticket there. Again, although a seemingly small contribution, everybody needs a bit of stability and support, much like Chihiro did here, and this is exactly what Kamajiis fatherly character offers. Haku, being one of the first characters which Chihiro meets within the film, immediately becomes important to her; a lost child in real life would latch on to the nearest compassionate figure, and when Haku finds Chihiro, this is precisely what happens. More than that; however, particularly in such unfamiliar surroundings, this boy being the first person that she meets and him even rescuing her from death, forms a unique relationship between the two, which lasts throughout the film. It is because of this that Chihiro possibly cares about him more than any other character in the film, and certainly, Haku cares for her more than any other character. We see this several times, for example when Chihiro notices Haku, as a dragon, flying into a window of the bath house, in a bloody state. Chihiro is desperate to try and help Haku, and chases him up to Yubabas room to do this. The significance of this, is that due to these romantic or otherwise feelings, Chihiro was shown by Haku how to care for someone at the start of the film, and in the example given, she mirrors Haku in this, giving direct evidence to suggest that Haku, interpreted as a family figure or not, is still a massive influence in Chihiros personal development. So the ideology of this film seems to, certainly, be that a strong family unit is absolutely vital for the development of a child. In Pans Labyrinth, our central character is the young Ofelia, and we are straight away shown a typical parent-child situation with her mother Carmen in the backseat of a car; Carmen is telling Ofelia that she is too old for books and fairy tales. We can suggest that probably the most prominent development in Ofelias character, throughout the film, is how she becomes notably more courageous, in a rebellious manner. This is not necessarily to say that Ofelia doesnt demonstrate courage and self-determination towards the beginning of the film, for example, she independently wanders off into the labyrinth to find Pan the faun quite early on the piece. However, if we particularly observe her actions towards the Captain, her step-father, as the piece progresses, Ofelia, without doubt, feels more confident to rebel against him with more audacity, and greater consequence. For example, Ofelia seemingly unintentionally offers the Captain her left hand at the start of the film, a comparatively m inor act of disrespect, but nearing the end, she even has enough daring to go so far as to steal her baby brother from his room. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the main heroine in the film develops due to supporting characters taking on family orientated roles, much in the same way as in Spirited Away. What does differ though is that Ofelia actually has her real mother for the majority of the piece although her presence fades throughout the film, she is still present. This distinction is vital to acknowledge as a mother figure, for a young girl, will probably the most influential person in the shaping of their own character. Her mother aside, our traditional family unit members include Mercedes, as a big sister/mother role and Pan, as the only possible fatherly figure the piece. Much like in Spirited Away, where Yubaba is instantly recognised as an evident adult figure, due to her being introduced in the workplace and her business-like nature, we can also instantly identify Carmen as an adult because she is portrayed as a mother above all else in the film, being in her pregnant state. In terms of Carmens impact on Ofelia, the main citation to be made is how Carmen shows devotion to her children, which Ofelia learns, and employs later in the film. For example, we see how Carmen marries a man, who she debatably doesnt even love, in order to bring a safe environment to her children, showing a great deal of affection to her children. Even though all logic would lead Ofelia to care very little about her brother, (he is the cause of her mothers death and Captain Vidals son) she ends up giving her life for him at the end of the film, almost mirroring her mothers actions, proving to the audience that Ofelia has gained skills from her mother, conveying messages of massive importance upon the part of a motherly figure in a traditional family unit, relating directly back to the question. The character of Mercedes is without question, the most appropriate person to take on a sisterly role for Ofelia. We can quite easily make the connotation that, due to Mercedes and Ofelias almost identical circumstances (they are both at the mercy of the captain), Mercedes can simply be described as an older version of Ofelia. Furthermore, both of these characters close relations come to harm at the hands of the captain. We see this when the captain instructs the doctor that, if the baby can be saved, then Carmens welfare is negligible. Also Mercedes comrade, one of the Guerrilla rebels, is eventually tortured by the captain and killed. Ofelia in fact looks to Mercedes as more of a role model after her mother dies, and possibly identifies her as a secondary/replacement mother figure. Much like in Spirited Away, Ofelias loss of parentage leaves her with no choice but to latch on to the nearest affectionate character, here being Mercedes. So overall, Mercedes greatest contribution to Ofelias development is that of displaying courage, particularly in rebelling against Captain Vidal, which Ofelia learns from and mimics, much like a younger sister would do. We see this quite clearly when Mercedes seeks out Ofelia and tries to escape with her near the end of the film. After Carmens death, Mercedes is Ofelias new role model, Ofelia goes on to steal the baby from the captain, a courageous, and rebellious, skill learnt directly from Mercedes, the evident sister figure in the piece. Pan, the faun, is a very interesting character in terms of analysis. It is he who actually opens up this supernatural world to Ofelia, which is what makes him interesting, because he could be interpreted as a character which does not develop Ofelia, but actually completely the opposite, simply due to the fact that he widens this supernatural world, which Ofelia creates through her childlike imagination. This can be seen by the way that he sets out a task for Ofelia in order to become Princess Moanna of the underworld, and stay a child forever. Conversely, Pan, being a seemingly authoritative figure in this strange world, actually makes rules within this world i.e. he tells Ofelia that these various tasks must be completed in a certain fashion e.g. he instructs her not to touch the fruit in the second task. Be this imaginary or not, this makes him become an embodiment of discipline for Ofelia, taking on the role of a replacement father. This is very similar again, to Yubabas role in S pirited Away. Laying out rules for Ofelia in each of the tasks that he sets her, forces her to independently mature and stick to the rules, very unlike the actions of a child, clearly benefiting her. Because nobody seems to step in and take the role of Ofelias father, it is rather convenient that it is Pan who induces Ofelia to rebel against the Captain, steal the baby, and for the final goal to re-unite Ofelia with her real father. This is so significant in the sense that, this is very likely exactly what a stereotypical father would do if one were still present. Relating back to the question, if we remember that the only missing member of Ofelias family unit is a father, Pan could well be Ofelias attempt at completing this broken family unit through her imagination. If we then look at what this suggests about the ideology of Pans Labyrinth, it seems to me that it could suggest the same as Spirited Away but also, when taken out of the comfort zone of a strong family unit, it can actually force a child to mature in a greater way than with one. Through close analysis of both films, it has become clear that children crave the stability that the traditional family unit provides. They also thrive in it. Both central female characters in each film, undoubtedly piece together some kind of family in whatever way they can, in the absence of their actual family members. However it has also become apparent that people around characters who lack stability, are without question, drawn to filling those roles. When looking at the evidence given for each character explored in the two products, it would be a huge understatement to say that each member of the traditional family unit doesnt have a massive impact on the central protagonist. The two films convey the messages of family importance in such a way that without the supporting family characters whose roles are taken on within each piece, the actions and development of both Ofelia and Chihiro in their respective films would both be completely different without the presence of these characters.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Should High Level Jobs Be Reserved For Women Philosophy Essay

Should High Level Jobs Be Reserved For Women Philosophy Essay Most of the high level jobs are done by man, should government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women ? Most of the high level jobs are done by men, I am not totally agree with this idea, because many high level jobs are done by women. There is no discrimination between man and woman before the eye of law. I deeply believe high level jobs are done by qualified person. So government should not encourage a certain percentage of high level jobs to be reserved for women. As a human being all are equal so those who have qualification to do high level jobs, they must will do. If government encourage or enact a law or reserve certain percentage that will be unfair and injustice and discrimination for man. High level jobs should be given on the basis of merit and qualification not consider as a man and woman.we do not agree, to make any reservation on the basis of race, age, sex and minority ,but high level job must be done by only qualified person. Man and Woman are equal so there should not have any special attention for women. This concept seriously violates human rights. There should not have any discrimination between man and woman. The discrimination never bring peace and stability in a state, so government must not make any special rules for women. As a democratic state, every state has rule of law and human rights, so high level jobs are only done by man, this is not fair and justice. If women have merit and qualification, they must hold high level jobs. To my mind, there is no restriction in law of a state for woman high level jobs. Human right is most important to live in the world with dignity and honour as a best creation of God. So knowledge and knowledge must be standard for high level jobs not on the basis of sex. So only justice and fair can bring the peace and security in a state, man and woman should not be competitor but dependable. Being a best creation of God, we must have sense of responsibility and duty to one another to make a better and peaceful world for the future generation. As a man I deeply believe and trust, there should not have any unfair between man and woman. only the basis of merit must get high level post not consider anything else. To hold a sensitive post, need only knowledge and management capacity but disqualification must always discourage and deprive from high level post for betterment of nation and showing honour and justice for qualified and knowledgeable persons. Proper management is the most important to hold a high level job, so one who will be seated in this post must be qualified and knowledgeable. If any person is woman but she is not qualified for the post but given the high level post she absolutely will be fail to hold the post. Motivation is very important requirement to hold a high prestigious job, one who has no this capacity she/he cannot hold a high level post. So I hope and believe government should not to make any special attention to women for high level post because if they are qualified, no need to make any rule or law in parliament. Leadership is the best qualification to hold the high level jobs. To be a best leader, so easily can deal any critical situation. Those who will hold better post, musth have leadership skilled to perform properly his/her responsibilities and duties.This is the age of globalization,so one who want to be leader one,s has to have leadership skilled otherwisewill be seriously fail to make any decision. Challenging career, there are many job very challenging so women are not able to perform their responsibilities but if any woman get like that post as a leader she will totally fail to lead the team or group. For example a woman is not fit for post of chief of Army, Navy,and Air force,because they are not able to perform their duty properly with care and strictly.So body fitness is very important to hold like that high level job.So if government impose like that post, it will be harmful for a nation. Professional services are opened for all men and women,because there is no any condition or restriction for women.women can be professor,lawyer,pilot officer,doctor if they have qualification.So for this reason,no need to care more women for high level job.There are many women in the world who are justice,lawyer, minister,parliamentarian .They perform their responsibilities and duties with dignity and skilled.This is because, they are hardworkers and qualified for this posts Corruption is the great disease for state , it is worse than cancer . so make a proper well fear state . it is responsibilities for man and women to remove this corruption from the grass root level of state , corruption free state and protect and guarantee human rights such kind of well fare state no conflict man between women incase of high level jobs. Misuse is the worst weak point to protect human rights and establish rule of law it is absolutely possible misuse of power in government wish to protect the human rights .disqualified person never get high level jobs .this is possible on the basis of rule of law but we have to keep in mind knowledge and qualification only should be standard for higher level job but not consider sex. Political instability never bring any peace and security, safety and dignity for a nation .for the cause of corruption and missuse of power always coming political instability in a state. For these reason many qualified man and women totally deprive from the higher level jobs.such kind of political environment never consider knowledge and qualification and care fare and justice . There are many states where women hold high level post such as Bangladesh is a highest ranking for the leadership of women because there is a prime minister and opposition leader, home minister,foreign minister and agriculture minister all are women. they are not elected as a women but for theire leadership there is no way to say government should have extra care for women .if they become knowledgeable, they will reach their goals. In Pakistan also had an ex-prime minister banzir butto who was a woman and she was elected for her political wisdom but her nation did not make her prime minister just consider as woman .there are many women perform their responsibilities and duties with due care and dignity . there is a president in india is woman .there were former prime ministers Indira Gandi and Sonia gandi also were women. In usa ,hilari Clinton is secretary of state of America so it is only possible for her qualification. . In UK and Austrilia are handled supreme post by women,we do not like to make different between man and woman.As a human being all are equal,in case of dignity and rights and duties. Criticism of women ;most of the women across the world , to remind themselves busy in the kitchen .their mind do not want to work high abious job.They think , women responsibilities to produce baby and to take care and managing housing work.They do not know what are their rights and duties.So for this reason,they are tortured, oppressed,nepressd by men.Their voices are not strong for their rights.They do not know how to establish their civil and political rights.Even now women are not prepared to take leadership of high level jobs.They think leadership and management are only for men. Reservation of negative effect,If government reserve certain percentage for high level jobs,it will make a serious negative effect in a state.Now a days all of the countries have recognised equal status of men and women.The certain percentage reservation will break the check and balance of a state.Day by day men will be unemployment which is not green signal for democratic states.So we do not agree on the statement of reservation of high level jobs for women.If government want to reserve must be for backward section people.There will be no any discrimination between men and women. It is high for women to raise their voices against injustice and unfair.Government can take effective step to make educated women.Women have to be conscious for their fundamental rights.If government make them properly educated then they will get high level jobs.No need make any reservation for women,from every part of the world, women should be conscious about their rights and duties, They must make pressure their own government to provide complete women rights. When they will be able to understand what are their rights and duties and will be qualified then they will get high level jobs. In brief ,I would like to say dignity and honour should not be given on the basis of sex.for the causes of sincerity ,honesty,sense of responsibility, punctuality and duty.So any man or woman will hold high level job if he or she has qualification. No need to make speacil law for woman for high level jobs.Only knowledge and knowledge should be most priority and standard to hold high level job.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Rise of Silas Lapham :: Rise Silas Lapham Essays

The Rise of Silas Lapham The virtue of the novel according to Howells lies in its formal amplitude, its ability to encompass all things, and connect all humanity. The aim of the realistic novel is to "widen the bounds of sympathy" and to proclaim the "equality of things and the unity of men." Look at the above in light of the argument Tom Corey has w/ himself after Lapham's outpouring of shame and self abasement following the disastrous dinner party. Are you convinced? What is at stake? In what way is this a turning point? (p. 197) Corey does not lower himself to Lapham's level, but rather reaffirms to himself his superiority over Lapham. He realizes the importance of maintaining his place in society in relation to Lapham, but also must "think the best of Lapham" if he plans to marry his daughter. Lapham's uncouth showing of humility reminds him of the dinner party fiasco, and likens him to the "plebeian" porter with his "gross appetites," "blunt sense," and "stupid arrogance." Despite his feelings of reproach for Lapham's behavior, it is his love for Pen which makes him see the positive side of the situation: "he knew at the bottom of his heart that which must control him last., and which seemed sweetly to be suffering his rebellion, secure of his submission in the end. It was almost with the girl's voice that it seemed to plead with him..." Pen, of course, is the one suffering his rebellion, and his rebellion is his urge to reject her for her father's low demeanor. Yet this passage is Corey's turning point, where he cements the idea that to love this girl, and love her he must, certain societal sacrifices must be made. The though of Pen works to "set all things in another and fairer light." It is then that Corey realizes the nobility in Lapham's seemingly base humility. He is able to see Lapham's outpouring of shame as something respectable and honorable that would never be found in a person of "society. The Rise of Silas Lapham :: Rise Silas Lapham Essays The Rise of Silas Lapham The virtue of the novel according to Howells lies in its formal amplitude, its ability to encompass all things, and connect all humanity. The aim of the realistic novel is to "widen the bounds of sympathy" and to proclaim the "equality of things and the unity of men." Look at the above in light of the argument Tom Corey has w/ himself after Lapham's outpouring of shame and self abasement following the disastrous dinner party. Are you convinced? What is at stake? In what way is this a turning point? (p. 197) Corey does not lower himself to Lapham's level, but rather reaffirms to himself his superiority over Lapham. He realizes the importance of maintaining his place in society in relation to Lapham, but also must "think the best of Lapham" if he plans to marry his daughter. Lapham's uncouth showing of humility reminds him of the dinner party fiasco, and likens him to the "plebeian" porter with his "gross appetites," "blunt sense," and "stupid arrogance." Despite his feelings of reproach for Lapham's behavior, it is his love for Pen which makes him see the positive side of the situation: "he knew at the bottom of his heart that which must control him last., and which seemed sweetly to be suffering his rebellion, secure of his submission in the end. It was almost with the girl's voice that it seemed to plead with him..." Pen, of course, is the one suffering his rebellion, and his rebellion is his urge to reject her for her father's low demeanor. Yet this passage is Corey's turning point, where he cements the idea that to love this girl, and love her he must, certain societal sacrifices must be made. The though of Pen works to "set all things in another and fairer light." It is then that Corey realizes the nobility in Lapham's seemingly base humility. He is able to see Lapham's outpouring of shame as something respectable and honorable that would never be found in a person of "society.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Molecular Switches :: essays research papers fc

We live in the technology age. Nearly everyone in America has a computer or at least access to one. How big are the computers you are used to? Most are about 7" by 17" by 17". That's a lot of space. These cumbersome units will soon be replaced by something smaller. Much smaller, we're talking about computers based on lone molecules. As far off as this sounds, scientists are already making significant inraods into researching the feasability of this. Our present technology is composed of solid-state microelectronics based upon semiconductors. In the past few years, scientists have made momentus discoveries. These advances were in molecular scale electronics, which is based on the idea that molecules can be made into transistors, diodes, conductors, and other components of microcircuits. (Scientific American) Last July, researchers from Hewlitt-Packard and the University of California at Los Angeles announced that they had made an electronic switch of a layer of several million molecules and rotaxane. "Rotaxane is a pseudorotaxane. A pseudorotaxane is a compound consisting of cyclic moles threaded by a linear molecule. It also has no covalant interaction. In rotaxane, there are bulky blocking groups at each end of the threaded molecule." (Scientific American) The researchers linked many of these switches and came up with a rudimentary AND gate. An AND gate is a device which preforms a basic logic function. As much of an achievement as this was, it was only a baby step. This million-moleculed switch was too large to be useful and could only be used once. In 1999, researchers at Yale University created molecular memory out of just one molecule. This is thought to be the "last step down in size" of technology because smaller units are not economical. The memory was created through a process called "self-assembly". "Self-assembly" is where computer engineers "grow" parts and interconnections with chemicals. (Physics News Update, 1999) This single molecule memory is better than the conventional silicon memory (DRAM) because the it live around one million times longer. ' "With the single molecule memory, all a general-purpose ultimate molecular computer needs now is a reversible single molecule switch," says Reed (the head researcher of the team.) "I anticipate we will see a demonstration of one very soon." ' (Yale, 1999) Reed was correct. Within a year, Cees Dekker and his colleagues at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands had produced the first single molecule transistor.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Planning Document

PLANNING DOCUMENT Planning Document HRM 517 – Managing Human Resource Projects Planning Document Construct a project charter to revamp the compensation and benefits package. The overall goal and strategy of the XYZ Company is to align its total compensation and benefits plan to the financial and operational results of the Corporation and the Business Unit.Alignment of variable compensation to performance is essential to ensure that the supervisory team and identified sole contributors share in the prosperity of the Company when our goals and objectives are exceeded and does not expect or receive variable compensation in those years where failed to meet our key business targets It is essential that each participant in the Supervisory Variable Compensation Plan (SVCP) has a clear understanding of the plan, understands the parameters and guidelines by which SVCP is paid and that a key component is utilizing â€Å"ACTUAL† overall financial and operational year end results.T he Supervisory Variable Compensation Plan (SVRP) is designed to establish the participation, criteria and the process by where variable compensation will or will not be paid out to those individuals who have been identified as participants in the plan and have made a contribution to the financial and operational results of the Business Unit. The following guidelines have been defined to assure that the SVRP is administered fairly and within the parameters required to protect the financial integrity of the Corporation. 1.SVRP payout is based on actual fiscal year financial and operational performance. 2. SVRP will be paid out on an annual basis. 3. Actual payouts are based on individual performance to defined objectives and targets from each qualified participant. 4. Objectives and targets will be established for each participant prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. Objectives and targets will be weighted based on importance. 5. Objectives and targets can be adjusted during th e year to reflect changing Business Unit performance or priorities. 6.A mid-year performance review with each participant with their respective manager is required and performance to date against objectives and targets should be reviewed. Mid- year reviews are to be documented and placed in the participants personnel file with a copy to the participant. 7. SVRP payouts will only be paid to participants who are on staff at fiscal year-end. 8. SVRP payouts are paid on final results achieved for each objective using the weighting established for each target. 9. All payouts will require the approval of two levels of management.In order to qualify for a payout under the Supervisory Variable Compensation Plan the following criteria must be met: 1. Eligibility – Identified first level supervisors, managers and individual contributors in the business units. Eligibility to participate in the plan will start after a 90 day probationary period for new hires. 2. Managers must have been i n the position a minimum of 6 months and performing at a â€Å"fully satisfactory† level. 3. All managers must have a completed Job Performance Evaluations (JPE) for their respective teams.Copies of the JPE must be on file with a copy sent to Human Resources. 4. Meet or exceed performance objectives and targets established at the beginning of the fiscal year. 5. Managers who are on an hourly rate will not qualify for the Supervisory Variable Compensation Plan. 6. For managers who do not have a full year of service will have the SVCP will be pro-rated for the year. SVCP Timeline: ? October 1, 2012 – Business Unit Objectives established ? November 1, 2012 – Individual Performance Plans developed ? May 2013 – Mid Year reviews ? November 2013 – Year End Final Results November 2013 – Final SVCP Calculations completed and submitted for approval ? December 2013 – SVCP payouts [pic] Incentive Plan Calculation Participants will have the opport unity to earn an SVRP payout of 20% of their base salary. The payout will be based on the participant’s performance to their individual objectives and the weighting assigned to each objective. [pic] Design a communication plan for the project. The project's communication plan will consist of the reasons why XYZ Company should revamp their compensation and benefits plan.The purpose of the change will help with productivity as well as seeking more customers within each business unit. It is important that all stakeholders understand why the company should make changes to enhance the business. The managers will see this change as a plus for them since it will include giving them a bonus based on productivity within their business unit. The compensation plan will allow room for hourly and salaried managers to receive incentive pay and this will also help them during performance review for advancement opportunities.The communication plan will include email, conference calls, meetin gs, and voice calls to push our compensation plan and get the information out to the managers. Furthermore; we will hold monthly training sessions for all managers to ensure they are receiving the correct information and training to be successful with this plan. Finally; we will have a Q session which will allow everyone to bring their issues and questions to the table every month.These sessions will help the stakeholders understand what concerns the managers may have or what they may need assistance with to obtain their goals. Define the scope of the project. In order for the plan to be a success there are a few things each business will have to focus on. One of the important factors include errors, if employees are making consistent errors at the customer sites this will cause issues with XYZ Company and the customer. As a team, all will have to determine if all the objectives have been met to include error free installations, and A1 customer service.As a company we have to do it right the first time because there is not guarantee that we will have a second time to correct it. Another important factor is safety, we have to maintain a minimum amount of preventable accidents on a monthly basis. To ensure that we are remaining in compliance, we will have to enforce our safety policy and place sanctions on those who are violating the company policies. Create a work breakdown structure including numbered components. Submit your WBS by creating a table inside your assignment. |Level |WBSCode |Element Name | |1 |1 |Compensation/Benefits Plan | |2 |1. 1 |Initiate Compensation Plan | |3 |1. 1. 1 |Evaluation & Make Recommendations | |3 |1. 1. |Develop Plan | |3 |1. 1. 3 |Present Compensation Plan to Stakeholders | |3 |1. 1. 4 |Stakeholders Review Plan | |3 |1. 1. 5 |Compensation Planned Approved | |2 |1. |Plan for next steps | |3 |1. 2. 1 |Create Scope Statement | |3 |1. 2. 2 |Organize and Select Compensation Team | |3 |1. 2. 3 |Compensation Team Meeting | |3 |1. . 4 |Develop Compensation Plan | |3 |1. 2. 5 |Submit Compensation Plan to Stakeholders | |3 |1. 2. 6 |Milestone: Compensation Plan Approval | |2 |1. 3 |Execution Plan |