Saturday, August 31, 2019

History of Trigonometry

Running Head: History of Trigonometry History of Trigonometry Rome Fiedler History of Mathematics 501 University of Akron April 29, 2012 History of Trigonometry: An Introduction Trigonometry is useful in our world. By exploring where these concepts come from provides an understanding in putting this mathematics to use. The term Trigonometry comes from the Greek word trigon, meaning triangle and the Greek word meatria meaning measurement. However it is not native to Greek in origin. The mathematics comes from multiple people over a span of thousands of years and has touched over every major civilization.It is a combination of geometry, and astronomy and has many practical applications over history. Trigonometry is a branch of math first created by 2nd century BC by the Greek mathematician Hipparchus. The history of trigonometry and of trigonometric functions sticks to the general lines of the history of math. Early research of triangles could be found in the 2nd millennium BC, in Egyp tian and Babylonian math. Methodical research of trigonometric functions started in Greek math, and it reached India as part of Greek astronomy.In Indian astronomy, the research of trigonometric functions flourished in the Gupta dynasty, particularly as a result of Aryabhata. Throughout the Middle Ages, the research of trigonometry continued in Islamic math, while it was implemented as a discrete subject in the Latin West beginning in the Renaissance with Regiomontanus. The growth of contemporary trigonometry shifted in the western Age of Enlightenment, starting with 17th-century math and reaching its contemporary type with Leonhard Euler (1748) Etymology The word â€Å"trigonometry† originates from the Greek â€Å"trigonometria†, implying â€Å"triangle measuring†, from triangle + to measure.The name developed from the study of right triangles by applying the relation ships between the measures of its sides and angles to the study of similar triangles (Gullberg , 1996). The word was introduced by Barthoolomus ptiticus in the title of his work Trigonometria sice de solutione triangularumtractus brevis et perspicius†¦ in 1595. The contemporary word â€Å"sine†, is originated from the Latin word sinus, which implied â€Å"bay†, â€Å"bosom† or â€Å"fold†, translation from Arabic word jayb. The Arabic word is in origin of version of Sanskrit jiva â€Å"chord†.Sanskrit jiva in learned used was a synonym of jya â€Å"chord†, primarily the word for â€Å"bow-string†. Sanskrit jiva was taken into Arabic as jiba (Boyer, 1991). This word was then changed into the real Arabic word jayb, implying â€Å"bosom, fold, bay†, either by the Arabs or erroneously of the European translators such as Robert of Chester, who translated jayb into Latin as sinus. In particular Fibonacci's sinus rectus arcus was significant in creating the word sinus. Early Beginnings The origin of the subject has rich di versity. Trigonometry is not the work of one particular person or place but rather a development over time.The primitive Egyptians and Babylonians had known of theorems on the ratios of the sides of analogous triangles for many centuries. However pre-Greek societies were deficient of the concept of an angle measure and as a result, the sides of triangles were analyzed rather, a field that would be better known as â€Å"trilaterometry†(Boyer, 1991). The Babylonian astronomers kept comprehensive records on the rising and setting of stars, the movement of the planets, and the solar and lunar eclipses, all of which needed knowledge with angular distances measured on the celestial sphere.Founded on one explanation of the Plimpton 322 cuneiform tablet, some have even claimed that the primitive Babylonians had a table of secants. There was, on the other hand, much discussion as to whether it is a table of Pythagorean triples, a solution of quadratic equations, or a trigonometric tab le. The Egyptians, in contrast, applied an ancient kind of trigonometry for construction of pyramids and surveying the land in the 2nd millennium BC. The early beginnings of trigonometry ar thought to be the first numerical sequences correlating shadow lengths to time of day.Shadow tables were simple sequences of numbers which applied the shadow of a vertical stick, called a gnomon, is long in the morning and shortens to a minimum at noon. Then becomes longer and longer as the afternoon progresses (Kennedy, 1969). The shadow tables would correlate a particular hour to a particular length and were used as early as 1500 BC by the Egyptians. Similar tables were developed by other civilizations such as the Indians and Greeks. Greek mathematics Shadow tables were the primary development in creation of trigonometry however the Greeks really developed Trigonometry into an ordered science.The Greeks continued as the Babylonians astronomers did and studied the relation between angles and cir cles in lengths of chords to develop their theories on planetary position and motion (Mankiewicz, 2001). [pic] The chord of an angle subtends the arc of the angle. Ancient Greek mathematicians used the chord. Given a circle and an arc on the circle, the chord is the line that subtends the arc. A chord's perpendicular bisector traverses the center of the circle and bisects the angle. One half of the bisected chord is the sine of the bisected angle, that is, [pic] nd consequently the sine function is also known as the â€Å"half-chord†. As a result of this relationship, several trigonometric identities and theorems that are known at present were also known to Greek mathematicians, however in their equivalent chord form. Though there is no trigonometry in the works of Euclid and Archimedes, there are theorems presented in a geometric method that are similar to particular trigonometric laws or rules. Theorems on the lengths of chords are applications of the law of sines. In addit ion Archimedes' theorem on broken chords is similar to rules for sines of sums and differences of angles.From the primitive landmarks of shadow tables and the Greeks’ gain and expansion of astronomical knowledge from the Babylonians, there was a gap in the improvement of trigonometry until the time of Hipparchus. Hipparchus The first trigonometric table was in fact compiled by Hipparchus of, who is known as an as â€Å"the father of trigonometry†(Boyer, 1991). Hipparchus was the first to put into a table the corresponding values of arc and chord for a series of angles. He did this by considering every triangle was inscribed in a circle of fixed radius. Each side of the triangle became a chord, a straight line drawn between two points on a circle.To find the parts of the triangle he needed to find the length of the chord as a function of the central angle. [pic] For Example, in the diagram triangle ACB is? inscribed in circle O. So the sides of the triangle become chord ? AC, chord CB and chord AB. Hipparchus would have sought to? find the length of the chord, AC, as a function of the central? angle. He deduced a trigonometric formula for the? length of a chord sketched from one point on the circumference of? a circle to another (Motz, 1993). This could therefore be used to help understand the positioning of the planets on the sphere.Though it is not known when the methodical use of the 360 ° circle came into math, it is known that the methodical introduction of the 360 ° circle introduced a little after Aristarchus of Samos comprised of On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon, since he measured an angle a part of a quadrant. It seemed that the systematic used of the 360 ° circle was mainly as a result of Hipparchus and his table of chords. Hipparchus might have taken the idea of that division from Hypsicles who had previously divided the day into 360 parts, a division of the day that might have been recommended by Babylonian astronomy .In primeval astronomy, the zodiac had been divided into twelve â€Å"signs† or thirty-six â€Å"decans†. A recurring cycle of approximately 360 days could have corresponded to the signs and decans of the zodiac by dividing each sign into 30 parts and each decan into 10 parts. It was as a result of the Babylonian sexagesimal numeral system that each degree was divided into 60 minutes and each minute was divided into 60 seconds. Though Hipparchus is attributed as the father of trigonometry all of his work is lost except one but we gain knowledge of his work through Ptolemy. [pic] http://www. ies. co. p/math/java/vector/menela/menela. html Menelaus Menelaus of Alexandria wrote in three books his Sphaerica. In Book I, he created a basis for spherical triangles analogous to the Euclidean basis for plane triangles. He established a theorem that is without Euclidean analogue, that two spherical triangles were similar if corresponding angles are equal, however he did not diff erentiate between congruent and symmetric spherical triangles. Another theorem that he established was that the sum of the angles of a spherical triangle is more than 180 °. Book II of Sphaerica applied spherical geometry to astronomy.In addition Book III contained the â€Å"theorem of Menelaus†(Boyer, 1991). He further gave his well-known â€Å"rule of six quantities†(Needham, 1986). This theorem came to paly a major role in spherical trigonometry and astronomy. It was also believed that Melaus mya have developed a second table of chords based on Hipparchus works, however these were lost (Smith, 1958). Ptolemy Afterwards, Claudius Ptolemy developed upon Hipparchus' Chords in a Circle in his Almagest, or the Mathematical Syntaxis. The Almagest was mainly a work on astronomy, and astronomy relied on trigonometry.The 13 books of the Almagest were the most prominent and important trigonometric work of ancient times. This book was a composition of both astronomy and trig onometry and was derived from the work of Hipparchus and Menelaus. Almagest contains a table of lengths of chords in a circle and a detailed set of instructions on how to construct the table. These instructions contain some of the earliest derivtions of trigonometry. Ptolemy distinguished that Menelaus started by dividing a circle into 360o, and the diameter into 120 parts. He did this because 3 x 120 = 360, using the previous application of 3 for pi.Then each part is divided into sixty parts, each of these again into sixty parts, and so on. This system of parts was based on the Babylonian sexagesimal or base 60-numeration system, which was the only system available at the time for handling fractions (Maor, 1998). This system was based on 60 so that the number of degrees corresponding to the circumference of a circle would be the same as the number of days in a year, which the Babylonians believed to be 360 days (Ball 1960). From Menlaus Ptolemy developed the concept that the sine i s half of a chord.Ptolemy took Menelaus’ construction _ crd  · 2_ and said that the complement angle could be written as _ crd  · (180 o -2_), since 180o was half the circumference of the circle. Since today, cos_ = sin(90 o -_), it can be shown that cos_ = _ crd  · (180 o -2_), using a similar argument as the one shown above (van Brummelen, 2009). From these two expressions, one of the greatest identities known today was created. That is, (_ crd  · 2_) 2 + {_ crd  · (180 o -2_)} 2 = 1 which is exactly sin2_ + cos2_ = 1 (van Brummelen, 2009). [pic]http://nrich. maths. org/6853 [pic] http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/Ptolemy's_table_of_chords Using his table, Ptolemy believed that one could solve any planar triangle, if given at least one side of the triangle (Maor, 1998). A theorem that was fundamental to Ptolemy's calculation of chords was what was still known at present as Ptolemy's theorem, that the sum of the products of the opposite sides of a recurring quadrilater al was equivalent to the product of the diagonals. Ptolemy used these results to develop his trigonometric tables; however whether these tables were originated from Hipparchus' work could not be proved.Neither the tables of Hipparchus nor those of Ptolemy had survived to the present day, though descriptions by other ancient authors exhibits they existed. In his work, Ptolemy founded formulas for the chord of? difference and an equivalent for our modern day half-angle? formulas. Because of Ptolemy’s discoveries, given a chord of? an arc in a circle, the chord of half an arc can be determined as? well. Ptolemy also discovered chords of sum and difference, chords of half an arc, and chords of half degree, from which he then built up his tables to the nearest second of chords of arcs from half degree.In the Almagest, a true distinction was made between plane and spherical trigonometry. Plane trigonometry is the branch of trigonometry which applies its principles to plane triangle s; Spherical trigonometry, on the other hand, is the branch of trigonometry in which its principles are applied to spherical triangles, which are triangles on the surface of the sphere. Ptolemy began with spherical trigonometry, for he worked with spherical triangles in many of his theorems and proofs. However, when calculating the chords of arcs, he unintentionally developed a theory for plane trigonometry. Trigonometry was created for use in astronomy; and because spherical trigonometry was for this purpose the more useful tool, it was the first to be developed. The use of plane trigonometry†¦ is foreign to Greek mathematicians† (Kline, 1972). Spherical trigonometry was developed out of necessity for the interest and application of astronomers. In fact, spherical trigonometry was the most prevalent branch of trigonometry until the 1450s, even though Ptolemy did introduce a basis for plane trigonometry in the Almagest in 150 A. D. IndiaThe next major contribution to trig onometry came from India. The trigonometry of Ptolemy was based on the functional relationship between chords of a circle and central angles they subtend. The Siddhantas, a book thought to be written by Hindu scholars in late fourth century, early fifth century A. D. , changed Ptolemy’s trigonometry to the study of the relationship between half of a chord of a circle and half of the angle subtended at he center by the whole chord (Kennedy, 1969). This came from the basis for the modern trigonometric function known as the sine.The Siddhantas introduction to the sine function is the chief contribution from India and marks a transformation in trigonometry. Indian mathematicians also contributed by creating their own sine table. Arya-Bhata, born in 476, was a great Indian mathematician and astronomer (Ball, 1960). He composed a book called Aryabhathiya, which contained most of the essential ideas we associate with sine and cosine. His most outstanding contribution to the topic, w hich distinguishes him from the other mathematicians of this time, was his work on sine differences (van Brummelen, 2009).His definition of sine was literally â€Å"half chord† and was abbreviated jya or jiva, which simply meant, â€Å"chord† (Smith 615). Sines were given in minutes, at intervals of 225 minutes. This measurement was not of the sines themselves, but instead, it was the measurement of the differences between the sines. His method of calculating them was as follows. The first sine was equal to 225. The second sine was defined as any particular sine being worked with in order to calculate the sine that directly follows (Clark 29).It was found using the following pattern: (225 – the previous sine) + (225 + the previous sine) 225 this total was then subtracted from 225 to obtain the sine table. Second sine: 225 – 225 = 0 225 / 225 = 1 0 + 1= 1 225 – 1 = 224 Third sine:? 225 – 224 = 1 (225 + 224) / 225 ? 2 225 – 2 = 222 (van Brummelen, 2009). Arya-Bhata concluded that dividing a quarter of the circumference of a circle (essentially one quadrant of the unit circle) into as many equal parts, with the resulting triangles and quadrilaterals would have, on the radius, the same amount of sines of equal arcs.Doing this, he was able to form a table of natural sines corresponding to the angles in the first quadrant (van Brummelen, 2009). Although much of his work had the right idea, many of Arya-Bhata’s calculations were inaccurate. Later, in 1150AD, an Indian mathematician known as Bhaskara gave a more accurate method of constructing a table of sines, which considered sines in every degree (van Brummelen, 2009). Although the Indian mathematicians made attempts at creating a table to help with astronomy, their table of sines was not as accurate as that of the Greeks. Islamic mathematicsThe ancient works were translated and developed in the medieval Islamic world by Muslim mathematicians of mostly Persian and Arab descent, who explained a large number of theorems which freed the subject of trigonometry from reliance upon the complete quadrilateral, as was the case in Greek mathematics as a result of the application of Menelaus' theorem. In accordance with E. S. Kennedy, it was following that development in Islamic math that â€Å"the first real trigonometry appeared, in the sense that only then did the object of study become the spherical or plane triangle, its sides and angles† (Kennedy, 1969).E. S. Kennedy pointed out that whilst it was possible in pre-Islamic math to calculate the magnitudes of a spherical figure, in theory, by use of the table of chords and Menelaus' theorem, the application of the theorem to spherical problems was very complex actually (Kennedy, 1969). With the aim of observing holy days on the Islamic calendar in which timings were established by phases of the moon, astronomers at first used Menalaus' method to compute the place of the moon and stars, a lthough that method proved to be ungainly and complex.It engaged creation of two intersecting right triangles; by applying Menelaus' theorem it was possible to solve one of the 6 sides, however only if the other 5 sides were known. To tell the time from the sun's elevation, for example, repeated applications of Menelaus' theorem were needed. For medieval Islamic astronomers, there was a clear challenge to find a simpler trigonometric rule (Gingerich, 1986). In the early 9th century, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi c a Persian Mathematician, was an early pioneer in spherical trigonometry and wrote a treatise on the subject creating accurate sine and cosine tables.By the 10th century, in the work of Abu al-Wafa' al-Buzjani, another Persian Mathematician established the angle addition formulas, e. g. , sin(a + b), and discovered the sine formula for spherical trigonometry. Abu’l-Wafa is believed to have helped introduced the concept of the tangent function. He also may have had s omething to do with the development of secant and cosecant. His trigonometry took on a more systematic form in which he proved theorems for double and half angle formulas. The law of sines, is also attributed to Abu’l-Wafa, even? hough it was first introduced by Ptolemy. This is in part? due to the fact that Abu’l-Wafa presented a? straightforward formulation of the law of sines for? spherical triangles, which states [pic] where A, B, and C are surface angles of the spherical? triangle and a, b, and c are the central angles of the? spherical triangle. In 830, Habash al-Hasib al-Marwazi created the first table of cotangents. Muhammad ibn Jabir al-Harrani al-Battani found the reciprocal functions of secant and cosecant, and created the first table of cosecants for each degree from 1 ° to 90 °.By 1151 AD, the ideas of the six trigonometric functions existed, they were just not named as we know them today. Europe It is from the Arabic influence that trigonometry reache d Europe. Western Europe favored Arabic mathematics over Greek geometry. Arabic arithmetic and algebra were on a more elementary level than Greek geometry had been during the time of the Roman Empire. Romans did not display much interest in Greek trigonometry or any facets of Greek math. Therefore, Arabic math appealed to them since it was easier for them to comprehend.Leonardo Fibonacci was one mathematician who became acquainted with trigonometry during his extensive travels in Arab countries. He then presented the knowledge he gained in Practica geometriae in 1220 AD (Gullberg, 1996). The first distinction of trigonometry as a science separate from astronomy is credited to the Persian, Nasir Eddin. He helped to differentiate plane trigonometry and spherical trigonometry. Other than that, little development occurred from the time of the 1200’s to the 1500’s, aside for the developments of the Germans in the late 15th and early 16th century.Germany was becoming a prosp erous nation at the time and was engaged in much trade. Their interests also developed in navigation, calendar formation, and astronomy. This interest in astronomy precipitated a general interest and need for trigonometry (Kline, 1972). Included in this movement around the time of 1464, the German astronomer and mathematician, Regiomontanus (also known as Iohannes Molitoris) formulated a work known as De Triangulis Omnimodis, a compilation of the trigonometry of that time.When it was finally printed in 1533, it became an important medium of spreading the knowledge of trigonometry throughout Europe (Gullberg, 1996). The first book began with fifty propositions on the solutions of triangles using the properties of right triangles. Although the word â€Å"sine† was derived from the Arabs, Regiomontanus read the term in an Arabic manuscript in Vienna and was the first to use it in Europe. The second book began with a proof of the law of sines and then included problems involving how to determine sides, angles, and areas of plane triangles.The third book contained theorems found on Greek spherics before the use of trigonometry, and the fourth was based on spherical trigonometry. In the sixteenth century, Nicholas Copernicus was a revolutionary astronomer who could also be deemed as a trigonometer. He studied law, medicine and astronomy. He completed a treatise, known as De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, the year he died in 1543. This work-contained information on trigonometry and it was similar to that of Regiomontanus, although it is not clear if they were connected or not.While this was a great achievement, Copernicus’ student, Rheticus, an Indian mathematician, who lived during the years 1514-1576, went further and combined the work of both these men and published a two-volume work, Opus palatinum de triangulus. Trigonometry really began to expand and formalize at this point as the functions with respect to arcs of circles were disregarded. Fran cois Viete who practiced law and spent his leisure time devoted to mathematics also . contributed trigonometry around this time. He came to be known as â€Å"the father of the generalized analytic approach to trigonometry† (Boyer, 1991).He thought of trigonometry as? an independent branch of mathematics, and he worked? without direct reference to chords in a circle. He made? tables for all six trigonometric functions for angles to the? nearest minute. Viete was also one of the first to use the? formula for the law of tangents, which states the following: [pic] Viete was one of the first mathematicians to focus on analytical trigonometry, the branch of trigonometry which focuses on the relations and properties of the trigonometric functions.This form of trigonometry became more prevalent around the time of 1635 with the work of Roberval and Torricelli. They developed the first sketch of half an arch of a sine curve. This important development assisted in the progression of tri gonometry from a computational emphasis to a functional approach. This formed the basis of the European contribution of trigonometry. From the influence of oriental scientists, the Europeans focused on the computation of tables and the discovery of functional relations between parts of triangles.Europe developed appropriate symbols, which replaced the verbal rules and ordinary language in which the subject was usually presented. Previously, trigonometry was expressed in lengthy passages of confusing words, but the Europeans introduced such symbols as sin, cos, tan, etc. to simplify the subject and make it more concise. Prior to the analytic approach, the main usage of trigonometry was to measure geometric figures, but the transition of its influence from geometry to calculus began with the discovery of infinite series representations for the trigonometric functions.Trigonometric series became useful in the theory of astronomy, around the time of the eighteenth century. Since astrono mical phenomena are periodic, it was useful to have trigonometric series because they are periodic functions as well. The use of trigonometric series was introduced to determine the positions of the planets and interpolation, which is a mathematical procedure that estimates the values of a function at positions between given values (Kline, 1972). Many continued to make contributions to Trigonometry looking for more accurate tables to determine the six functions.These works continued up until the invention of the Scientific Calculator in 1968. In society today, trigonometry is used in physics to aide in the understanding of space, engineering and chemistry. Within mathematics it is typically seen in mainly in calculus, but also in linear algebra and statistics. Despite the minimal information available on the history of Trigonometry it is still a vital part of mathematics. The History shows progression from astronomy and geometry and the movement from spherical to plane geometry.Toda y, Trigonometry is used to understand space, engineering, chemistry as well as mathematics. By exploring the history of trigonometry we see the importance of it in our world. References Boyer, Carl B. (1991), A History of Mathematics (Second ed. ). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3 Bressoud, D. M. (2010). Historical Refelctions on Teaching Trigonometry. Mathematics Teacher, 104 (2), 106-112. Brummelen, G. V. (2009). The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Gingerich, Owen (1986), â€Å"Islamic astronomy†. Scientific American 254 (10): 74.Gullberg, Jan. (1996)Mathematics from the Birth Of Numbers. New York:W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. Joyce, D. E. (n. d. ). History of Trigonometry Outline. Retrieved 3 21, 2012, from History of Trigonometry Outline: http://aleph0. clarku. edu/~djoyce/ma105/trighist. html Kennedy, E. S. (1969), â€Å"The History of Trigonometry†. 31st Yearbook (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washingt on DC) (cf. Haq, Syed Nomanul. The Indian and Persian background. pp. 60–3, in Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Oliver Leaman (1996). History of Islamic Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 52–70.Kline, Morris. (1972) Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times. New York: Oxford University Press. Kluemper, A. (2010, 3 24). History of Trigonometry. Retrieved 3 5, 2012, from www. xtimeline. com: http://www. xtimeline. com/timeline/History-of-Trigonometry Mankiewicz, Richard. (2001)The Story of Mathematics. New Jersy:Princetion University Press. Maor, E. (1998). Trigonometric Delights. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Miller, S. (2001). Understanding Transformations of Periodic Functions through Art. Mathematics Teacher , 94 (8), 632-635.Moussa, Ali (2011), â€Å"Mathematical Methods in Abu al-Wafa's Almagest and the Qibla Determinations†. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. 21 (1): 1–56. Needham, Joseph (1986), Science and Civilization in Chi na: Volume 3, Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth. Taipei: Caves Books, Ltd. Rogers, L. (n. d. ). The History of Trigonometry- Part 1. Retrieved 3 1, 2012, from Enriching Mathematics: http://nrich. maths. org/6843/index Suzuki, J. (2009). Mathematics in Historical Context. Washington D. C. : The Mathematical Association of America.Smith, D. E. (1958)History of Mathematics. New York:Dover Publications, Inc. Toomer, G. J. (1998), Ptolemy's Almagest, Princeton University Press. Weber, K. (2005). Students Understanding of Trigonometric Functions. Mathematics Education Research Journal , 17 (3), 91-112. www. cartage. org. (n. d. ). Trigonometry History. Retrieved 3 5, 2012, from Trigonometry History: http://www. cartage. org. lb/en/themes/sciences/Mathematics/Trigonometry/history/History%20. html van Brummelen, G. (2009)The Mathematics of the Heavens and Earth. Princeton University Press. Princeton and Oxford.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Csr in Foxconn Essay

More and more companies are investing in China, to share the incredible profit generate from the 1.4 trillion people. One of the US based company, which it’s going to invest 35% of its stake, to a fast growing China private-owned timber flooring company. Like most local Chinese company, CSR is not implementing in that company as well as no management working on it. Generally speaking, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrates into business model, in which a company monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of law, ethical standard and international norms. Although this timber company has high growth in the market and generate good profit, it may easily pose a risk to investor if they are not pay attention to social and environmental issues. Below summaries would like to analyst the potential impacts may arise from different parties such as employees, consumers, environment, and communities and how they may be aff ected by the decision. First of all, it’s no doubt that employee are the basic component of an industry. By taking measures from the Social Accountabilities 8000 (SA8000), they should consider if the company has employed child labor. Child labor is very popular in China and other developing countries like Guatemala especially industry like involving agricultural and manufacturing that need high working force. It may violate the law and damage the company brand easily. Other than legal extend, an interesting figure showed that (, â€Å"83% of the employee will leave the job if their employer used child labor.† Obvious, child labor nowadays give more harm than good, instead, providing wellness program for employee and their families create certain shared value that they will love more the company in both mentally and physically. Moreover, it’s also important that the firm should provide adequate safety working environment as well as organize enough safety training. It will certainly reduce the number of accidents occurs. In the early 80s, China had launched Social Security Fund, all companies must follow closely and provide all kinds of insurances to employees in order not to obstruct from the law and political issue. In addition, the company should encourage workers to form union and those who involve won’t be discriminated. Because employee more involve in the discussion regarding payroll, community welfare and company development will surely increase their loyalty at all. The investor has to review all the working hours, salary standard and penalty and make sure it’s fair to everyone. Secondly, the investor should concern to the consumers’ feedback in which the company has to create customer’s satisfaction to their products. However, in this competitive world, many companies like to exaggerated the usage and beauty of their products to attract more customers by means of media as a communication platform. For this reason, the investor should review all these products advertisement that might cause harmful effect to the product brand name. Reputation of the timber flooring company takes years to come to the top five in China can be ruined in hours. One accident always cause in flooring industries may be the level of formaldehyde is so high that cause toxic to human. Heath problems always cause fatal to death of company. One of big scandal happened recently nearly killed AJISEN – one of the ramen restaurant in which â€Å"has been accused of making their broths using soup concentrate and cheap flavoring powders, known for a guarantee that all their soups come from a broth of pork bones simmered to perfection.†(Patrick Keefe) Stock price of AJISEN drops from HK$17.82 to HK$9.32 (51.7%) within 2 weeks just right after the scandal and never climb back up until now. Indeed, customer are all likely the same, they only purchase goods they fell confidence by faith as choices are not the only one. Above example shows a warning signal that in case the company has listed in the stock market in the future. They have to take care much more than now on the CSR issues as media can spread out news within one day. Thirdly, the company should put more efforts not to interfere the environment. Recently, Chinese government has set up many laws to preserve environmental friendly after enter the WTO, ISO14000 standard is basic management standard that has to follow. Due to their factories including plantation, chemical working for production and raw material importation, there are a lot of chances may encounter to environmental dispute. As an investor, other than make sure correct documentations and license for environmental issue, they also have to study all the process in terms of energy use and logistics. Considering the firm has 50% of timber source globally and 10% of their customers are overseas, excess packaging of products and greenhouse gases are not just costly to the environment but also costly to the business. â€Å"By reducing it’s packaging and cutting 100 million miles from the delivery routes of it’s trucks, Wal-Mart lowered carbon emissions and saved $200 million in cost†. (Harvard Business Review). Above example shows typical how mutual benefits if we re-arrange business decision and enhance regulation reforms even just simple as logistic. Besides, China has a lot of tax reduction and funding approaches to achieve government supports by encouraging people to protect the nature. Furthermore, the investor should also pay attention to their suppliers. Not only to check if the imported products are fulfill the regulations but also review the availability and the ease of transportation as 50% outsourcing of the company is not a small figure to ignore. Above all, CSR is not a short term objective, the investor should set up a CSR team in the company for promoting and working for long term prospective. It’s clearly that CSR is helping to build up the company brand far more easily than performing marketing and sales on timber flooring only. According to Harvard Business Review, â€Å"Not all profit is equal. Profit involving a social purpose represent a higher form of capitalism, one that creates a positive cycle of company and community prosperity†, it’s no doubt that customer will purchase more if the timber flooring shows â€Å"green† and if the company anticipate more social welfare activities. To conclude, the investor should immerse CSR into each employee and the community in order to enhance share value to form a mutually beneficial society.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Functionalist, Conflict, and Interaction Perspectives on Mass Media Essay

It is hard to imagine that just one theoretical view can make clear the many ways that individuals relate with media and technology. Technology covers a wide range from simplistic to complicate. Media is everywhere we look and on every gadget we own. This paper will take a look at mass media from the functionalist, conflict, and interaction perspectives. You can look at a variety of theories and you will find studies and scholars that agree and those who disagree. A sociological approach in functionalism is the reflection of the relationship among the functions of less significant parts and the functions of the total. From the functionalist perspective there has been a problem from the start. The problem is the failure to identify and come up with a definition for the actual function of mass media. Also it has been problematic to define what role the mass media plays in various cultures and sub cultures (Mendelshon, H. (1974). From the start a functionalist breakdown comes with a profound handicap. According to the functionalist perspective the media is a marketing product and entertaining, it is socializing individuals, teaching norms, morals, and philosophies to future groups. Media also keeps individuals in touch with cultural standards in the time if happenings of nationwide importance. The functionalist perspective sees the media as teaching what is virtuous and appropriate (Gamson, Croteau, Hoynes, and Sasson (1992). The media has four essential functions for society: surveying the environment to give reports and information; relaying replies to this information; amusing; and transmitting traditions to upcoming generations. Advertisements are always shown before movies; it also appears on public transportation and on highway billboards. There is virtual gaming that allows one to talk to friends on social networks. Technology gives individuals and groups innovative and more stimulating ways to stay amused. Some sociologist affirm that this level of media experience hints to narcotizing dysfunction, a word that defines when persons are excessively overcome with media feedback that they begin to ignore it. Functionalism has gotten criticism for neglecting the harmful functions of an event such as divorce. Critics also say that the perspective justifies the status quo and satisfaction on the part of society’s individuals. Functionalism does not support individuals in taking a lively position in altering their social environment even if this change could be for the better. Functionalism sees vigorous social change as unwelcome since each part of society will recompense naturally for any troubles that may come to pass. Conflict theorists see social conflict among any groups in which it is probable for disparity exists: racial, gender, religious, political, economic, and so on. Conflict theorists claim that disparate groups more often than not have contradictory standards and agendas, causing them to vie in opposition to each other. This steady rivalry between groups is the foundation for the constantly shifting nature of society. Looking at the conflict perspective mass communications study has time after time recognized the major force that the media can have in determining a communal outlook about a certain matter, such as conflict. The media repeatedly helps decide what the public sees the subject, its causes and penalty, whether it is important, and what to assume about it (Reuben, R. C. (2009). The media can have a very influential role in fueling fires when it comes to certain issues like racism and other social injustices. Conflict like functionalism has been defined in many different ways. When it come to mass media the same can be said. Conflict can also be measured at  the individual point and at the group point. Although conflict is regularly important to those involved, it may not always be noticed by the media. The disagreement has got to be remarkable to the picky viewers of the media. According to the conflict perspective a main emphasis is the variance of avenues to media and technology exemplified in the digital world. Conflict theorist concentrate on who reigns the media, and how the media endorses the norms of the upper-middle-class white Americans while lessening the existence of the lower class especially minorities. Some conflict theorist’s propose that the way media is created causes an uneven political arena. Candidates with the most monies available can buy the most media exposure, trash talk their competition, and take full advantage of their visual existence. Now days cameras capture our activities and viewers can find people over their cell phones. Social scientists take the idea of the surveillance society so seriously that there is an entire journal devoted to its study, Surveillance and Society ( Influential individuals and social organizations carry much of the say so about what technology is out, when and where it is released and what kind of media is accessible for intake. This is a form of gate keeping. Deciding what story will make the headlines of the front page. Deciding which movie is playing on the screens at the local movie theater. Deciding what movies and pictures will be released and which ones will not. All of these decisions are usually made by people of high standings. No one in the lower classes has any say so in these types of decisions. Critics of the conflict perspective tip to its excessively harmful view of society. The theory in the end attributes compassionate pains, unselfishness, democratic state, civil rights, and other constructive aspects of society to capitalistic designs to have power over the groups, not to natural wellbeing in maintaining society and social order. The symbolic interactionist perspective, also known as symbolic  interactionism, directs sociologists to believe the symbols and details of everyday life, what these symbols mean, and how people interact with each other. Although symbolic interactionism goes back to Max Weber’s claim that individuals act by they way the see their understanding of the meaning of their world, the American philosopher George H. Mead (1863–1931) introduced this perspective to American sociology in the 1920s (Vissing, Y. 2011). The interactions perspective of sociology sees society as a product of everyday social interactions of individuals. Symbolic interactionists also study how people use symbols to create meaning (Vissing, Y. 2011). According to this theory technology may act as a symbol for many individuals. What kind of computer you have, the kind of vehicle you own, if individuals are able to purchase the newest products; this works as a social meter of affluence and rank. Media can generate and spread symbols that become the way we understand our society. Theorist at work on the interactionist perspective concentrate on this social creation of actuality. This process keeps going and people individually generate and comprehend reality. Social media sites inspire individuals to check in and give particulars of their day with online social networks, companies can then with no trouble endorse their merchandises on these sites. Then suddenly you are bombarded with ads of places you have been. What started out as a symbol of popularity and prestige now endorses consumerism of games and fandom. Every website and every game that is played has advertisements that the viewer must watch in order to continue on. This is very similar with the conflict theory. Sociologists differentiate the mass media from other social associations because for this realm it is a must to have an audience. The audience could be a secondary group assembled in a great theater, or it may be a main group, such as a husband and wife watching the newest movie release at home. Possession is becoming very compacted. There is a trend toward sort of a monopoly. There can be found a few of global organizations that dominate the  publishing, broadcasting, and the ï ¬ lm industries (Croteau and Hoynes 2000). Some individuals reason that the government ought to control media absorption once again. The government takes more of a â€Å"hands-off† approach. If this approach continues the trend will continue and the media leaders will continue to grow. Critics assert that symbolic interactionism leaves out the macro level of social interpretation, which is the big picture. Symbolic interactionists could fail to see the bigger problems of society by concentrating too closely on the small issues. The perspective also gets criticism for denial of the influence of social forces and institutions on individual connections. The amount of individuals in the world who have admittance to an assortment of media keeps growing. Additionally, the total of time individuals squander taking in media as well continues to enlarge. With all the new technology that is available most people are always connected to something that has media readily available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.  Each viewpoint interprets the position of the mass media in a special way and for this reason each theory is expected to have an effect on the views of individuals that are a piece of the society in individual behaviors. As a functionalist are to be expected to view the program choices of a news group decision maker who knowingly makes the choice to pass over a pessimistic account regarding one of its supporting companies as a not taking sides action intended to lessen likely discord in the union and maybe the community. As an interactionist, would be paying attention to how the results might influence the everyday rela tions among the members of the business or even among the business and members of the community may be concerned. On the other hand, a conflict theorist is to be expected to observe this as one of the negative functions of the mass media like Gatekeeping. For that explanation conflict theory explains why news media may stay away from negative stories about their sponsors of their new show and big advertisers in their newspapers. This makes is evident when television networks that are making big dollar amounts for promotion from corporations’ like Nike and other material goods makers are hesitant to  broadcast negative media about these companies. Conflict theorist categorize the identical dilemma at the neighboring point everyplace city reporters will not present bad reviews on certain products like franchise restaurants or other local businesses since the bulk of their financial support comes from the paid advertising of these and other businesses. While media has an impact on society, society has an impact on the media. In fact, with the inventions of such websites and social networks like Facebook and many others individuals in society with this access are just as influential. These social networks have allowed individuals to more and more capable to put forth weight in the other sociological institutions including the mass media. The conflict theory can sometimes see the community as neither here nor there by screening it as just submissively overcome to the forces of the free market, interactionism can lead us into more understanding of how the amplified discussion connections linking character and civilization seeing how the media is very personal to most. We have seen that there can be some slight similarities connecting the social theories of Functionalism, Interactionism and Conflict Theory. They however disagree somewhat significantly with each other. Mostly depending on what theory a person decides to agree with their view and opinions about the media and other social institutions will vary quite a bit. Just because one individual may view the media with the Conflict lens does not mean that the Functionalism and Interactionism does not make very valid points that can be used to enhance our understanding. Full understanding will not be attained from one theory and it is unlikely that everyone will ever agree on just one theory. The understanding that we have gained is that the media truly has an impact on individuals, cultures, society, and mass communications. It is not just at a local level but at a global level. By studying these theories we can gain insight and understand about each point of view. Each ones has a contribution t o share. References: Croteau, David; Hoynes, William, Media society: industries, images, audiences, 2003 Fine, G., & Kleinman, S. (1979). Rethinking Subculture: An Interactionist Analysis. American Journal of Sociology, (1). 1. Gamson, William A.; Croteau, David; Hoynes, William; Sasson, Theodore. In: Annual Review of Sociology, 1/1/1992, Vol. 18, p. 373-393;, Retrieved from: Mendelsohn, H. (1974). BEHAVIORISM, FUNCTIONALISM, AND MASS COMMUNICATIONS POLICY. Public Opinion Quarterly, 38(3), 379. Reuben, R. C. (2009). MEDIA AND CONFLICT THEORY: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY OVERVIEW: THE IMPACT OF NEWS COVERAGE ON CONFLICT: TOWARD GREATER UNDERSTANDING. Marquette Law Review, 9345. Vissing, Y. (2011) Introduction to Sociology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Classical Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Classical Music - Essay Example Classical music is deeply rooted in the western liturgical and secular music. The development of classical music can be traced back from the 11th century to the present time. The main subject matters became to be codified between 1550 and 1900; this period is referred to as the common practice period. The history of classical music has been organized into various periods of development. When we talk about the history of classical music, we basically refer to thousands of years in its development and the considerable western influence and the ancient eastern music of the Asian continent. The various periods of classical music include: medieval, renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic and the contemporary period. The period between the years 0 to 1400 AD, was described as the medieval period. It is the longest period of the classical music history. During this period, Saint Gregory is credited for organizing the larger parts of classical music that developed in first centuries of the Christian church. Saint Gregory was the pope from 490 to 604.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

RC and RI circuits Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

RC and RI circuits - Lab Report Example The data and observation were recorded whilst simulating the above circuits. RC circuit contain both resistor connected in series and the capacitor. The system can be used to control timing. When DC voltage source is connected across an uncharged capacitor, the rate at which the capacitor charges up decrease as times passes and the frequency changes The objectives of the experiment was to investigate how the voltage across varies as it charges and to find its capacitive time constant. The circuit investigated the phase angle between each frequency at different voltage for both the input and output voltage. It aims at verifying the nature of the peak amplitude for every output and input wave front form The experiment was undertaken in accordance with the underlying laboratory procedure. Computation entail values of V(t).The circuits for charging and corresponding discharging the capacitor were sketched. They were wired in order to fully charged or discharge by switching the circuits. The apparatus was connected as shown in the diagram above and their frequencies were set in the time setting as shown above. Measurement was taken from the different frequency across, voltage noted across frequency, and a table was form to tabulate the phase angle for each frequency. The tabulated measurement was used for calculation and drawing of the graph. The graphs draw was used to tabulate the for the peak amplitude for both input and output. The circuit A and circuit B had peak amplitude for the output is 10v/Dv and corresponding input peak amplitude of 7.5v/Dv. In circuit C peak amplitude was 10V/Dv whilst the input peak amplitude was 8V/Dv As the frequency escalates from 100Hz to 10 kHz the corresponding output, voltage reduces from 9.9v to 0.718v. Thus, plotting the underlying output voltage against the input frequency, the output voltage becomes 70.7% of the input voltage gives as The output signal is attenuated to 70.7% of the underlying input

Business stat project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business stat - Statistics Project Example Summary statistics on customers’ age identifies highest statistics with Cadillac whose mean is for example 61 and Lincoln’s mean follows this at 59.5 years. Median and mode values follow the same trend across the organizations and this supports the hypothesis that Cadillac has retained control of the older population. Cadillac also reports the lower standard deviation for the customers’ ages to show that the ages are concentrated around the mean, 61 years. Ages for other companies’ customers however have higher standard deviations, with Mercedes and Lexus reporting the highest respectively, to indicate that the companies command a wider customer base in terms of age. Customers for Mercedes have the highest mean for household income (182287) and mean for Lexus’ customers (156134.8) follows this while Cadillac reported the lowest mean (108095.7). The trend is further consistent with medians to establish reliability. Standard deviation for Cadillac is further the lowest (15436.95) and this shows that its products are limited to households with lower incomes that the other companies. Descriptive statistics for number of years of education also identifies Cadillac with the lowest mean (12.86) and Mercedes with the highest mean (17.2). Modes and medians follow the same trend to establish reliability. Further, Cadillac reported the lowest standard deviation and this shows that its customers are limited to lower number of education years. The following graphs shows distribution of age, household income, and years of education for the customers for the five motor vehicle companies and are consistent with the descriptive statistics’ results. Data analysis shows that Cadillac’s market is limited to older people, people with low household income, and people with lower education years. Unlike its competitors that transverse across market segments, by these variables, Cadillac appears restricted to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Children and Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Children and Technology - Research Paper Example On taking Matthew’s history, the doctor learnt that Matthew has been in the habit of spending more than 7 hours watching the television and playing video games on the computer for the past 9 years or so. Matthew told, â€Å"I started gaining weight quickly from a very young age, and this, along with my poor academic performance, made me an easy target for bullies. I found it difficult to settle in school and to make friends. Excess playing of fighting games often got me into fights with the bullies of the class, often believing that I would be able to imitate the kung fu moves of my favourite video game character. With such a discouraging environment at school, my only resort was my mum’s computer and the television- something that has been my pastime as far as I can remember.† Matthew’s example shows a more deep-rooted problem. Years of computer and television use have taken their toll on him. This gives rise to the question that is use of technology just ified. Use of technology is common both at homes and schools. The primary element that the schools instil in children through the use of technology is the ability to adapt to change. For this purpose, technology has emerged as a saviour, affecting both the efficiency of pedagogical tools and the individualization of education for the students. However, the varied use of technology in various fields has led to negative impacts too- a topic that is the hotbed of debate for the past few years. The government and the media have strongly been favouring the use of technology in education. Most educationists are of the perspective that learning computer skills at an early age result in better performance in the workplace. However these claims are challenged by skeptics who believe that technology has little contribution towards the enhancement of learning and tends to affect not only the minds but also the bodies of the children. It impacts the imagination of children and initiates a proce ss of degenerative changes in the body. Also, increased use of technology takes time away for physical activities. According to Jane Healy, computers are not an essential part of the lives of young children and have a deleterious effect on the motivation and imaginations of the children. She argues that institutions should wait for children to attain the age of 7 before exposing them to computer use. Despite the benefits technology provides, such as being an interactive interface for learning, use of non-technological ways of learning should be encouraged for young children in schools. Excess use of technology adversely affects the bodies and imaginations of the children; thereby making it a viable solution to discourage the use of technology for children below the age of 7 and use non-technologies based methods to learn basic knowledge such as promoting play, using pedagogical tools to actively engage children in physical activities and mobilizing the media to promote reduced use o f technology in schools for children aged less than 7. In the early years of life, the child is in the process of learning and writing. He is undergoing a series of linguistic and verbal changes with the process of identifying letters, analyzing them and their sounds and then spelling them out being achieved by the age of 7. What would happen if this complex process is disrupted at some point by use of technological means, interfering with the natural order of learning. If a child is exposed to the computers even before they are able to write, it may have significant effects of his health and development. It is seen that gaming is the most popular use of computers for children aged

Sunday, August 25, 2019

NJ state police and blacks on the NJ turnpike Essay

NJ state police and blacks on the NJ turnpike - Essay Example There are at least two operative definitions of the practice knows as racial profiling: The first is what is termed as ‘hard profiling’, which puts an individuals race as the only consideration in the minds eye of the officer in making a preliminary assessment of suspicious criminality. When a police officer views a black person or other minority, and the officer does not have anything else to substantiate criminality, he pulls the black person over for a pat down on the hope that he may either Find a weapon or drugs in his possession. The second form is referred too as ‘soft racial profiling’, where the police officer uses race as one of the reasons, among others which have been previously detailed to him as stereotypical of drug dealers or couriers. The New Jersey State Troopers for example, have intelligence that Jamaican drug posses have a fondness for Nissan Pathfinders as their vehicles of choice when transporting marijuana along the Northeast Corridor. The controversy surrounds racial profiling on the New Jersey Turnpike as practiced by New Jersey State Troopers was focused almost exclusively on highway stops. Where the police were stopping a disproportionate share of black and other minority drivers for traffic violations, but the prevailing argument states that the stops were specifically carried out as a means of drug interdiction. Of course in many instances, the driver may have committed an infraction, but there might, and usually were others within the specific cluster in which he was traveling, who also committed a similar violation. But it was their lucky day for the others, because a minority was in the vicinity. 2 New Jersey State Police and Blacks on the New Jersey Turnpike We will take a look into a court case which led a Superior Court judge to conclude in 1996 that the New Jersey State Police had a policy of 'selective enforcement' by targeting blacks for investigation and arrest. Some of the finding were as follows; "The ruling followed one of the states longest evidentry hearings-six months of testimony and 200 exhibits, many of them statistical surveys of drivers and traffic stops on the southern most 26-mile stretch of the New Jersey Turnpike. Judge Robert Francis found that troopers looking for drug suspects had pulled over an inordinate number of black drivers over a three year period simply because of their race. The survey determined that some 98 per cent of all the drivers along the stretch of the turnpike were going over the speed limit of 55 miles per hour, giving the police latitude to stop virtually anybody. The survey found that while 13.5 per cent of the drivers on the stretch of the highway were black, 46 per cent of those halted by the police over a 40- month period were black" According to the public defender, Fred Last, who helped design the survey, said, "They were pulling over blacks out of proportion to the population of the turnpike" (Last). Judge Francis agreed, saying, "The statistical disparities are indeed stark", the judge added, "utter failure" of police commanders to monitor the arrests or investigate the many claims of institutional discrimination, manifests its indifference if not acceptance" (Francis) One striking result of the survey, which the judge noted, was that the troopers using 3 radar tended to stop black drivers at near their rate in the highway population, while the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Contract law - Essay Example Generally, for a contract to exist and to be valid more weight is directed to the intention of creating legal relationship by all parties involved.1 Under this case of Bob versus Alan, it is evident that both parties have an intention to create a legal relationship between them. So we can say that it is enforceable contract, because of both Bob and Alan intention to create this legal relationship. Also there is an element of consideration whereby there is a price agreed upon of â‚ ¤725. It is also evident that both Alan and Bob had the contractual capacity to contract, for example, we find that Bob had a child, meaning that he had attained age of majority and that he was free to enter into contract without duress. Also both parties agreed to contract because when Alan approached Bob to purchase the item he was not forced to do so by Bob. The aspect of the nature of business being undertaken is lawful and therefore Bob and Alan were not involved in any illegal business. In this case of Bob versus Alan we can explicitly conclude that the major element of contract in question is that of offer and acceptance. There was evidenced of an offer being made by Bob through an advert in the Wormskirk Evening Gazette that read as follows; ‘Utopian Penny Red stamp, one only, â‚ ¤750 or nearest offer’. According to the rules of offer, an offer can be made to the public or to a specific person, but it cannot shape the foundation of a contract until it has been accepted by an established individual. In this case of Bob versus Alan it was immaterial to whom the offer was directed to. Such offers made through advertisement can be accepted by anyone just by acting upon them and in this case Alan responded to the advert and acted upon it. Another rule of offer is that an offer can be made orally, in writing or by conduct. Usually the person making the offer is called an offeror

Friday, August 23, 2019

Karina Cervantez INTERVIEW Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Karina Cervantez INTERVIEW - Article Example She does this by creating jobs in the area to ensure that people get good pays. According to her, life in California is very expensive. Her other responsibility entails serving in various commission such as the recreation commission where she manages the budgets of the open spaces in the community. She also proposes parks and gardens in the community. She also serves in the planning commission where she addressed land use and housing issues. Moreover, she ensures that people in the city can access the internet in order to improve networking especially among small business persons. One of students asked her to describe her regular day. She said that serving in city council is usually a part time job in their city. She said that each day is different since she performs different tasks. She goes for meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month where she meets with people to talk about the issues facing the council. On other days she attends community events. She is also a teacher in local colleges. She was also asked about the challenges the council faces. She said that the council faces safety issues especially on roads. Among her challenges include financial problems in the council and less political powers. When asked whether she only served documented individuals in the community, she said that all documented and undocumented access the city services. She said the city’s funds come from the taxations all documented and undocumented

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Later Adulthood Development Report Essay Example for Free

Later Adulthood Development Report Essay Aging occurs in every stage of life, and as adults grow older and move from one stage of adulthood to the next many new changes can occur in their everyday lives. The transition from middle adulthood to later adulthood can bring a whole new level of changes to an individual’s life. The aging process includes changes in roles and social positions, considering living accommodations with health care needs, transitioning from work life to retirement, changes in social policies, and changes in relationships with family members and peers. As aging occurs individuals notice a numerous amount of changes in their lives. Some of those changes occur in their roles and social positions. As an individual ages they may begin to notice both physical and mental changes that decrease their ability to carry out activities in their daily routines. An individual who was once the leader of company meetings may notice that they are no longer able to hear or see things as well as they were before, and they may not be able to process their thoughts as quickly. They might also notice a delay in their reaction time. While some people may assume it is because of a medical issue, it could just be because of aging. As aging continues throughout later adulthood individuals may also notice changes in their physical appearances such as loose or wrinkly skin and a decrease in muscle tone. Throughout life individuals may decide to move from one place to another to experience what it is like to live in a new place. As individuals age their health starts to decline, and in some cases, some families have to make the decision to put their loved ones in a nursing home or hire a nursing staff to do home visits. When the health of a loved one becomes an issue family members have to make sure they are getting the  proper care they need to ensure their loved ones are safe and their health needs are being met. Some elderly individuals are able to go through life and not need any type of assistance caring for themselves, but some individuals get sick and cannot properly take care of themselves any longer. Alzheimer’s and Dementia are two of the worst diseases an individual can develop as they age. Once Alzheimer’s or Dementia really set in the individual start to forget life as they previously knew it. They no longer recognize their family or friends and have a hard time remembering anything about their lives. According to the Alzheimer’s Association there are three stages to Alzheimer’s disease, the early, middle, and late stages. In the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease an individual may still function as well as they did before they knew they had the disease, â€Å"He or she may still drive, work, and be a part of social activities† (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015). According to the Alzheimer’s Association, â€Å"The middle stages of Alzheimer’s are typically the longest and can last for many years†. The third, and final stage of Alzheimer’s, the late stages, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, â€Å"may last for several weeks or several years and requires intense are the clock care†. As Alzheimer’s progresses the individual may experience symptoms such as; anger, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, memory loss, confusion, repetition, and physical discomfort. As Alzheimer’s slowly starts to take over the individual it becomes harder and harder for both the individual and the family to deal with the changes that are occurring. That is why it is so important to make sure there is a trained medical professional on site at all times to care and comfort the individual dealing with the disease. The transition from working life to retirement can be a difficult process for some adults as they struggle to accept the changes that will occur in their lifestyle. But, on the other hand, retirement can also be an enjoyable time for some adults as they see it as an opportunity to do things they love without having to worry about work interfering with their plans. Some aging adults have a hard time coping with the thought of retirement because of the drastic change in income and they do not know what to do with  all the extra time they will have throughout the day. While the changes in income between a weekly or biweekly paycheck greatly differ from their previous profession and the amount of money received through social security, most employers offer a 401K savings plan to help with retirement and life after working. Social policies were put in tact to ensure that anyone in need is able to have their needs met. These needs can include medical, nutritional, and income needs. The government has funded programs such as food stamps to help families all over the country provide food for their families. Other government programs such as Medicaid and Medicare are intact to help cover medical expenses for people who cannot afford health or dental insurance. When it comes to the elderly, social programs such as Social Security and the Older Americans Act were put intact to ensure the elderly (anyone aged sixty five or older) are able to financially support themselves. Social policies are a great way to ensure individuals are properly taken care of and are able to support themselves. Family is forever, and nobody should ever feel as if they have to go through life alone. As we age it is important to remember how important our family and friends really are to us. We spend our whole lives searching for someone to spend the rest of our lives with and to build a family with, but as we age and people in our families start to die people begin to feel lonely. Losing a close family member or even a friend can leave individuals with a feeling of loneliness or even depression, â€Å"Most people seventy years of age or older are widowed, divorced, or single† (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2010). Grandparents and great- grandparents should never have to feel like they are unimportant or unwanted by their families. As individuals mature and go on with their own lives they should always continue to stay in touch with everyone in their family, but they should especially make sure their grandparents and older family members are healthy and well taken care of. The changes that occur throughout our daily lives are preparing us for the next stage of life. As individuals age they experience new things and learn  new things about themselves. Some people fear aging as they fear they will no longer be able to properly care for themselves any longer, but with the love and support from our families anything is possible. The aging process includes changes in roles and social positions, considering living accommodations with health care needs, transitioning from work life  to retirement, changes in social policies, and changes in relationships with family members and peers. Aging is just one of the many aspects of life that everyone has to deal with, and it is up to us to determine how we want to deal with it and let it affect our everyday life. References: Alzheimer’s Association. The Stages of Alzheimer’s. Retrieved from: U.S Department of Health and Family Services. Caring for Frail Elderly People: Policies in Evolution. Retrieved from: Zastrow, C.H. Kirst-Ashman, K.K. (2010). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (8th Ed.)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Travel, Tourism, Lodging, Food & Beverage, Content and Application Essay Example for Free

Travel, Tourism, Lodging, Food Beverage, Content and Application Essay Abstract In this very competitive world of business like in hotel and restaurant, it is not only about customer service is important but more importantly it is about safety and design of the hotel is very important.   Rehabilitation that not only gives security for its guest and even rehabilitation of guestrooms would give added enticement for guest to come to the hotel.   This is also the main aim of this paper, which is to provide the different factors that should be done in order to achieve effective rehabilitation and maintenance in the hotel. Introduction In this continuous effect if globalization, many businesses are not only continuous to rely heavily on research on how they can perform quality service and also on how they can effectively manage human resources in the organization.   But, for hotel and restaurant business, it is more than just superior quality service or satisfying its manpower that needs to the main priorities.   Since hotels and restaurants are there to entice guest, most especially foreign guests, their safety and comfort is another aspect of the business that cannot be compromised. Safety, not only with regards to terrorist attack but safety with regards to maintenance and rehabilitation of the building itself is the one that needs to be done.   For superior comfort and satisfaction among its guest, design is another aspect that guest would always feel to come back to the hotel and restaurant that has created more than just satisfaction for them, but it is more of total relaxation and peace whenever they visit and these are the main focus of this paper.   This paper also provides some relevant information that would really help hotels or restaurant to achieve these very important aspects of this type of business. Main Thesis Rehabilitation is truly one of the most important aspects of ensuring guest that safety is also a priority in every hotel business in order to achieve superior quality service.   This has also become a common practice and a shared responsibility of the housekeeping, maintenance, and engineering department of all hotels.   Housekeeping because with excellent housekeeping, it can help guest to be organized since the hotel is also organized, effective advice on where and when to use facilities and other hotel service will be observed.   Maintenance is also another aspect for this paper because it also a vital department for assuring quality in the hotel, this department does all the fixing that need to be perform in the hotel before it becomes worst if not attended properly. One excellent example for maintenance is electrical maintenance within the hotel, possible leak problems also.   These are just some of the problems that may arise if maintenance department will not be pro-actively anticipating these problems.   Lastly, engineering department within the hotel is also another team that will be vital for the success of rehabilitation; engineering team will be used to formulate a more of long-term plan for the hotel in order to achieve longer and stable security and assurance for safety within the hotel.   One good example here is when they implement control system for disaster and safety devices that will be used for emergency situations. III. Related Topics In the actual rehabilitation of the facilities in the hotel, there are many roles that need to be involved.   Not only roles or duties are involved but also additional cost is also involved. Facility Systems Facility systems are one of the major aspects of rehabilitation that is always a concern within the hotel.   It involves the following facilities: (1) safety and security, (2) water and wastewater, electrical, (3) heating, ventilating and air conditioning, (4) lighting, (5) laundry, (6) food service equipment, lastly, (7) building structure, finishes and site system.   These are the different facility system that has to be the main focus for rehabilitation and maintenance.   Starting from safety and security, alarm signals are just one of the most common facilities involved in security.   This sometimes creates peace of mind for most of the guest since it makes them feel that the hotel can always be ready for any disaster. This also directs guests to directions and paths for safety in case disaster happens, an example guide here is the fire exit and fire extinguishers, and these are just two common examples.   For water and wastewater systems, it involves how waster is properly managed within the hotel.   This is one of the most important facility systems within the hotel that can create big dissatisfaction among its guests, because waster can affect health and it can cause other problems like environment as well.   Waster control like proper garbage collection and disposal are just some of the common priorities in this area.   But, more importantly is water; water system should also be maintained at all times since it is the source for cleanliness within the hotel.    Maintaining it like always checking the water holes and reserves, most especially for disaster situation is importantly be monitored and checked round the clock.   The third is electrical system, this is no question that has to be maintained as well since most buildings like hotels, electrical related disasters are always the issue for fire in the buildings. Some of the common priorities in order to minimize if not totally eliminate this problem is that it needs to check the smoke and fire detectors, also includes here is the safety guidelines for safe electrical tips within the hotel.   Guest should always be well educated for every situation that would occur that relates to electrical issues within the hotel, because this not only would create problem for the guests but also for the owners most especially.   The fourth facility that needs to be well maintained and rehabilitated is lighting, lighting creates better ambiance for the hotel which creates a relaxing mood for the guests. Lighting focuses more on the design of the hotel rather than for security and safety of the guests.   For the fifth and sixth facility systems, laundry and food service equipment, starting with the laundry, these are very important for long stay guests, laundry services and facilities are essential most especially in terms of drying services for laundries. There are laundry services that have no driers available and this can create dissatisfaction for the guests.   The sixth facility services of food equipments, many facilities that falls in this category are common facilities within the hotel, food equipments are sometimes in common areas where these equipments must also be checked if it is enough for its guests, like for example doe micro wave ovens are enough for the guests. Or will there be any facility that would give guest the chance to cook in their own room in case they want it.   Lastly, is building structure, does the building is well maintained yearly, does the structure is string enough to sustain the number of floors with the total number of guest and what if the number exceeds this numbers. Or what if there will be disaster like earthquake, will the building can sustain that unexpected disaster, does the building has been checked regularly on how its structure can sustain disaster.   This is very important because it does not only create a worry-free for customers or guests but also a concern for business if in case the owners would really focus on not just satisfying their customers with their design but most of all safety of everyone. Facility Design The design for hotels establishments is also another priority for maintenance and rehabilitation.   Design is always a recipe for competition among hotels, it also one major aspect on how it can entice more guests depending on how relaxing and how inviting the design of interiors it maybe.   One of the major designs driven part of the hotel is the lobby or the guest rooms.   This is where quest considered as king and queen of the hotel.   This can create an environment of high respect for its guests.   Maintaining this part of the hotel is considered a mandatory action that needs to be done all the time.   From the superior design of lightings, interiors, furniture and even up to the uniform that is worn by hotel personnel are all part of the design that would attract more and more guests to visit the hotel. In the design priority within the hotel, there are three most common design factors that always need to prioritize in the hotel: lodging planning and design, food service planning and design, and lastly, other renovation design.   Lodging planning design is again part of this is the guest room, reception or lobby design area, where this section should always be well attractive to the guests.   Again, most of the time it is not only the design itself that is being focus here but part of it are also the people who are working within this special section of the hotel.   Usually, only the most charming, intelligent and articulate persons of the hotel works in this section, which not only to educate guests about the security, safety as well as how they can enjoy other facilities are explained.    Lodging planning design also involves the way the rooms are designed which primarily focus on how they can effectively welcome guests with the design and well presented gifts and service that guests can always feel respected.   For food planning design, this is more of how personalized service is given for guests, like the usual breakfast in bed or if the guests are in the buffet area, a design for presentation of food where the guests will be able to be given freedom of choosing what ever food he or she wants.   A design that would not always make the guest feel bored, even a smile from the waitress and a warm offering of additional coffee or with additional towel even before the end of meal are an important gestures that need to be carries out and will always be part of the design of the food planning of the hotel. For other renovation design, there are also other parts of the hotel that are usually in need of design improvements or maintenance.   This includes facade of the hotel or even the design of facilities of the hotels like swimming pools and saunas.   This could also add value to the service that the hotel provide from its guest, most especially if the hotel always tried its best to be more personalized as possible, that would give additional appreciation from the guests.   (Stipanuk, D, 2006, pp. 89-201). Involvement in Safety Organization through Training and Seminars It is also important for hotels to be able to really measure the success and achievement they have when it comes to safety or design is to be involved in known and respected organizations.   Like in the case of safety OSHA Us Department of Labor (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), this organization is one of the well respected institution when it comes to safety and health administration in all types of organization.   For hotels, it is important that they are well monitored and followed the best guidelines of this organization in order not only use the company investment effectively but also would give its owners most especially their customers the assurance that they are compliance to real safety and health procedures that are presented by such well respected institution like OSHA. As lone good example in this paper is where there was a recent partnership or alliance between the workers of the US Virgin Islands Hotel and Tourism Association and the US labor Department’s OSHA.   This alliance will promote safety and health trainings for hotels and hospitality workers of the Island.   This alliance will focus on three aspects: fire protection, hazard communication and the use of personal protective equipment.   This training not only gives the worker more confidence as to how they would react and act on certain situation pro-actively, most especially in situations that are unexpected. The training will also give the workers enough information on hoe they will identify the hazardous information that they might encounter on the job and how they can respond and act on it.   OSAH will also provide best practices and processes on the safety and health administration that can be applied in the hotel which is mandatory for all hotel businesses.   This was also considered a big investment not only for future business benefit but also knowledge gain for all the workers in the hotel business around the island.   With this initiative, the workers will be more confident in performing their jobs and also can increase quality service for its customers in the island.   (Fitzgerald, T, 2007). Infusing New Ideas In the side of design, there are both innovative and economical ideas that can be perform in the hotel business.   This also could help minimize or if effectively implemented could eliminate disaster in the hotels.   Like the infusion of better lighting systems and designs within the hotel.   One of the most well respected organization in the United States that focuses on inventing and finding new innovative ideas when it comes to lighting is the American Lighting Association.   These organizations are formed to assist home owners or hotel business owners on how they can design a lighting system that not only costly but also can provide an enticing design for guests.    Sometimes it is really important for hotel owners not only to seek designs that are presented by internal hotel experts but also can come from experts that are purely specialized into a specific subject, like in this case lightings.   The American lighting Association has a group of experts in lighting that are experienced with expertise in imagination.   They are tag to developed not economical design but also beautiful to the eyes. This is very essential in the success of the hotel because it does not only help the business in minimizing the cost but more importantly can be an option for design improvements and rehabilitation process in the hotel which is the main subject of this study.   (What does it mean when a store is a member of the American Lighting Association, n.d.). Conclusion In this study, it only shows that for hotel any hotel business, maintenance and rehabilitation is not just making sure that customer will be satisfied but also would help its owners and employees to know the right processes that needs to be perform in the hotel businesses.   Processes like in terms of facilities and design, facilities that would make the business performs based on the effective guidelines that is advised and mandated by respected organizations like the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration.   This can help boost the business not only will favor the employees but most especially their customers as well, since they can always make sure that the service being rendered are in accordance with the policies. In this study, it also showed that design is not just for beautification that needs to be done in the hotel, but it can also create economical ideas that can also comes from not just from the internal experts of the hotel but also from reliable organizations like American Lighting Association, which not only provides expertise for beautification through lighting but also gives convenience for owners as well since cost will be less.   Trainings are also encourage to be perform of hotel businesses since there are some cases that learning the processes within is not enough, most especially as time goes on, new implementation needs to be followed in order to be sure that processes are still applicable. References Fitzgerald, T. New Alliances will Promote Safety and Health Training for Hotel and Hospitality Workers in the US Virgin Island’s Hotel Tourism Association Joins with the US Labor Department’s OSHA. US Department of Labor – Occupational Safety Health Administration. 20 February 2007,, Retrieved 13 July 2008. Stipanuk, D. (2006). Hospitality Facilities Management and Design 3e. US: Educational Institute of the American Hotel. What does it mean when a store is a member of the American Lighting Association. American Lighting Association. N.d,, Retrieved 13 July 2008.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Starbucks Market Analysis

Starbucks Market Analysis Starbucks Corporation is an international coffee and coffee house chain based in Seattle, Washington, United States. It opened as a single small store opened in 1971 and became a coffee giant at the end of the millennium. Starbucks has led a coffee revolution in the United States and beyond. The store was opened by 3 men: Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Browker. Starbucks for first nine months bought coffee from Peets Coffee. Within first decade Starbucks opened five stores. Mid-1980: In 1983, Starbucks bought Peets Coffee the same year, Schultz who was hired in 1982 to manage the companys retail sales and marketing, took a buying trip to Italy, where another coffee revelation took place. He visited Milans famous espresso bars and captivated by the culture of coffee and the romance of Italian coffee bars. He returned home determined to bring that type of culture to the United States but the higher authorities didnt support him. As a result he left the company and decided to write business plan of his own. His parting with Starbucks was so amicable that the founders invested in Schultzs vision, he then returned to Italy to do research, visiting coffee and espresso bars. In 1986, he opened his first coffee bar in the Columbia Seafirst Center second was soon opened in Seattle and third in Vancouver. He also hired Dave Olsen, as a coffee consultant and employee trainer; he was the proprietor of one of the first bohemian espresso bars in Seattle. A year later Schultz was thriving while Starbucks was encountering frustration. Schultz then approached his old colleagues with an attractive offer: how about $4 million for the six-unit Starbucks chain? They sold, with Olsen remaining as Starbucks coffee buyer and roaster. He merged and changed the name to Starbucks; the company then became Starbucks Corporation and prepared to go national. In August 1987 Starbucks Corporation had 11 stores and fewer than 100 employees. In October of that year it opened its first store in Chicago, and by 1989 there were nine Chicago Starbucks. Starbucks market was growing rapidly, in the United States sales grew from $50 million in 1983 to $500 million five years later. In 1988 Starbucks introduced a mail-order catalogue; the company was serving mail-order customers in every state and operating 33 stores. By then the companys reputation had grown steadily by word of mouth. Starbucks installed a costly computer network and hired a specialist in information technology from McDonalds Corporation to design a point-of-sale system via PCs for store managers to use. Every night all the information pass to Seattle headquarters. In 1990 the headquarters expanded and a new roasting plant was built. Rapid Early 1990s: Starbucks also developed a reputation for treating its employees well which results in low turnover in the food service industry. The company went public in 1992, the same year it opened its first stores in San Francisco, San Diego, Orange County, and Denver.   By the years end there were total 165 stores. In 1993 Starbuck opened first East Coast store, in a premier location in Washington D.C. At the end of 1993 the chain had 275 stores and 425 one year later. Over the previous three years, sales had grown an average of 65 percent annually, with net income growing 70 to 100 percent a year during that time. Starbucks broke into important new markets in 1994, and purchased a 23-store rival based Coffee Connection. There was unexpected increase in sales when in 1995 Starbucks launched a frozen coffee drink called Frappuccino in its stores. That same year, Starbucks began supplying coffee for United Airlines flights. Late 1990s and Beyond: For the first time, the company ventured overseas the following year. They initially started by joint venture and licensing with local retailers. In Japan the first foreign market was developed with the help of SZABY Inc., a Japanese retailer and restaurateur, through other partnerships they also opened in Hawaii and Singapore the same year and in 1997 they also opened in Philippines. They in 1996 partnership with Dreyers Grand Ice Cream, Inc. to develop and sell Starbucks Ice cream. Within eight months of introduction, the number one coffee ice cream in the United States. When they expanded in 1997 into Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin the total number of branches were 1,412 by the end of year. Sales reached up to $1 billion and net income hit $57.4 million. Critics complained that the company was deliberately locating its units near local coffee merchants to siphon off sales, sometimes placing a Starbucks directly across the street. In 1996 and 1997 residents in Toronto, San Francis co, Brooklyn, and Portland, Oregon, staged sidewalk protests to attempt to keep Starbucks out of their neighbourhoods. In late 1999 the protestors took their anger out on several Starbucks stores which were then temporarily closed in the companys hometown of Seattle. Growth in the Pacific Rim continued with the opening of locations in Taiwan, Thailand, New Zealand, and Malaysia in 1998 and in China and South Korea in 1999. By early 2000 the number of Starbucks in Japan had reached 100. The company aimed to have 500 stores in the Pacific Rim by 2003. The Middle East was another target of global growth, but it was the United Kingdom that was the object of the companys other big late 1990s push. In 1998 Starbucks acquired Seattle Coffee Company, the leading U.K. specialty coffee firm, for about $86 million in stock. There were more than 100 branches in United Kingdom by late 1999. Starbucks hoped to use its U.K. base for an invasion of the Continent, aiming for 500 stores in Europe by 2003. Starbucks in 1998 entered into a long-term licensing agreement with Kraft Foods, Inc. for the marketing and distribution of Starbucks whole bean and ground coffee into grocery, warehouse club, and mass merchandise stores. The company also began experimenting with a full-service casual restaurant called Cafà © Starbucks. In early 1999 through the purchase of Pasqua Coffee Co., a chain of coffee and sandwich shops with 56 units in California and New York. Starbucks had already developed its own in-house tea brand, Infusia, but it was replaced following the early 1999 acquisition of Tazo Tea Company, a Portland, Oregon-based maker of premium teas and related products with distribution through 5,000 retail outlets. In early 2000, the company did an agreement with Inc., an operator of an Internet home-delivery service providing its customers with videos, snacks and other items. In the early 21st century, Starbucks was working to achieve Schultzs ambitious goals of 500 stores in both Japan and Europe by 2003, as well as his ultimate goal of 20,000 units worldwide. In June 2000 he stepped down as CEO of the company to become its chief global strategist, while remaining chairman. In the early 21st century, Starbucks was working to achieve Schultzs ambitious goals of 500 stores in both Japan and Europe by 2003, as well as his ultimate goal of 20,000 units worldwide. STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT: 1982:  Howard Schultz is hired to manage retail sales and marketing.   1983:  Peets Coffee is acquired.   1985:  Schultz leaves the company.   1987:  Schultz buys the six-unit Starbucks chain from the original owners for $4 million, merges and renames his company Starbucks Corporation.   1988:  A mail-order catalog is introduced.   1992:  Company goes public.   1993:  First East Coast store opens, in Washington, D.C.   1995:  Frappuccino beverages are introduced.   1996:  Overseas expansion begins. Partnership with Dreyers begins selling Starbucks Ice Cream. 1998:  U.K.-based Seattle Coffee Company is acquired. Partnership with Kraft Foods is formed for the distribution of Starbucks coffee into supermarkets.   1999:  Pasqua Coffee Co. and Tazo Tea Company are acquired.   2000:  Schultz steps aside as CEO to become chief global strategist, while remaining chairman; Orin Smith takes over as CEO.   Situation Analysis: MARKET: A market is an actual or conceptual place in commercial world where forces of demand and supply operate, and where buyers and sellers interact (directly or through intermediaries) to trade goods, services, or contracts or instruments, for money. COFFEE MARKET: Almost 70% of the worlds coffee supply is provided by smallholders cultivating less than 10 hectares in 80 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. However, the extreme volatility and long-term decline in coffee prices on international markets endangers the livelihoods of the 10 million small coffee farmers dependent on coffee for their primary source of income. In December 2000, international coffee prices hit a 30-year low, with further falls expected. These prices barely cover production costs in many countries. Current coffee oversupply is massive and production is increased more than demand due to latest technologies. Coffee consumption in the US still focuses on the morning/breakfast. Starbucks is the leading and most major name in promoting coffee throughout the world. They have expanded continuously and it has resulted in their growth and popularity. Starbucks revenue is generated both from company-operated retail stores and from specialty operations. Source:Company Reports Market share of starbucks: Total per annum sales of coffee in Britain has reached up to  £1bn-a-year. The number of people with coffee intolerance has more than doubled in the past four years. Starbucks has seen sales and earnings rise, despite of challenging and economic situation in the world. Together, these improvements are enabling the company to continue to make key long-term investments in the world. Starbucks positions itself as a specialty premium coffee retailer, which sells a wide variety of coffees and other beverages, both hot and cold, together with snacks and sandwiches. The company currently has a network of over 10,000 coffee shops in 37 countries which give the company a strong and well known brand image and clear differentiation from many other coffee brands. This scale and strong brand give Starbucks a high degree of bargaining power with suppliers and also and differentiate its offerings. However, intense competition in the retail beverage segment could adversely affect the companys profit margins, and the company is currently still strongly dependent on the US market for the majority of its revenue and profits. Market segmentation of starbucks: Market segments are group of customers having similar needs / wants and preferences. It enables the organization to more closely match it marketing mix with the customers of same needs or demands. Starbucks is mainly adult-focused and aims to connect with their customers,  communities, and children through various advertising tactics. The vast majority of these  customers come from urban areas. Another new and large growing target market within the coffee industry is college-age  students and post-graduate individuals residing in urban areas. These two segments  are heavy coffee drinkers. Starbucks has identified through market research that this is the segment that will generate the greatest impact to their business and they have targeted them with products. Starbucks presents a narrow range of products geared towards this segment. By limiting choice and presenting a few products. There have been studies showing that coffee consumption has increased with the drinkers educational level. Starbucks is a company that embraces diversity, not limiting themselves to one specific demographic, behavioural, or geographic segment, Starbucks they are always treated as equals. The company promotes minorities and women who own businesses. This helps to increase the feeling amongall their customers that they are valued . Internal Analysis-SWOT Analysis: Strengths: Customer Loyalty- Starbucks has very strong brand recognition and faithfulness  among those who frequent the coffee shop. Employee Loyalty- Starbucks partners are their greatest assets.They empower  their employees, allowing them to make their customers experiences memorable and  satisfactory. Social Issues- Starbucks supports many social issues like literacy, clean water and health issues etc. Weaknesses Starbucks has a somewhat narrow product line for their overseas countries. For  example, it is hard for Starbucks Coffee to promote tea in China. Many people and industries view the companys lack of advertising as a negative  business strategy. Over-expansion: Right now Starbucks is venturing out of the coffee industry and into music, books, entertainment, and other foods as well. Too many brand extensions may become harmful to the company. Opportunities Starbucks could add to their product line multiple brand extensions: desserts,  sandwiches, more coffee/hot chocolate variations, etc. There is a great deal of overseas expansion. Threats Immediate competition from fast-food restaurants catching on the specialty coffee wave and developing products that competes with Starbucks. Tim Hortons Dunkin Donuts McDonalds Nestle External Analysis PEST Analysis: Starbucks holds a different brand name and reputation in the market, although there do exist many companies in the market and the competition in the market is also fierce. The competitors in the market make use of location, product mix and develop small markets (niches) to make themselves sustainable in the big market. PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Environmental and Legal environments surrounding a business firm. It is a strategic, analytical tool to understand external forces. A brief overview of each of them is given below: Political Environment: The relationship that exists between the coffee producing countries and the United States is of importance. In addition, the UK US relations and the political stability in UK will also play a role in the success of the company. Economic Environment: In UK, the unemployment rate is 7.8%, Inflation rate is 3.2%, Exports are  £520m, Imports are  £493m, GDP Per Capita is $43,785, GDP Real growth rate is 1.20%. There is a constant demand of food and beverage products, and the Americanization of the new younger generation brings opportunity in terms of the acceptance of the brand in UK. Nevertheless, as revealed by figures, the development in the country has increased the income of the people providing them with higher disposable income. Social Environment: The great population of 62 million has made UK high in social trends. The effects that can be encountered from the social environment pertain to the change in the use of coffee as a beverage. Technological Environment: New technologies can create new products, can lead to innovation and reduction of cost, Starbucks can take the advantage of UK innovations made in technology. Environmental Influence: Environmental factors include the weather and climate change. Changes in temperature can impact on the company. This heavily affects the coffee industries. Legal Environment: In UK there have been many significant legal changes that can affect company behaviour. The introduction of age discrimination, an increase in the minimum wage and greater requirements for firms to recycle are examples of relatively recent laws that can affect companys actions. Michael Porters 5 Forces: According to Michael Porter, the five forces that affect the company in any industry include the competition, the suppliers, the customers, the threat of new entrants and the threat of substitutes. The porters five forces analysis for Starbucks in UK is given below: Industry Competition: There is no competition in terms of volume of operations. Competitors are selling similar products including specialty coffee and high quality food. Tullys Coffee, Gloria Jeans, Caribou Coffee are major competitors. Threat of New Entrant: The innovation and product differentiation can be brought in by new entrants. Threat of Substitutes: There are many substitutes, offering similar services and also taking a share of the market available to Starbucks. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Star bucks is vulnerable in terms of power of the supplier. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Supplier products are highly differentiated. Customers are buying experiences and are fiercely loyal to a particular specialty coffee retailer. Ansoffs Growth Matrix: Existing Product New Product Existing Market Hotels, Grocery Stores, Airlines Salads and New bold Fresh Lunch Program. New Market Open stores all over the world. Music CDs, clothing, Chocolates, Coffee mugs.